If you want to know how I have avoided getting sick over the past - TopicsExpress


If you want to know how I have avoided getting sick over the past 4 years, continue reading... I was sick constantly during my childhood.I would miss 4-5 days of school each month and leave early at least another 5. I also never really ate healthy either. Because of a lot of late nights for baseball or soccer, we were always eating fast food because it was quick and convenient. I I never thought about the fact that my diet was a major factor in my sicknesses. Pizza, fried chicken fingers, white breads, and french fries were pretty much the only things I ate. I guess it was a lack of knowledge at the time. I just didnt know better. Once I made the decision to learn about and apply a healthy lifestyle after I graduated college, everything changed. That was 4 years ago, and I went from being sick all the time down to about once every 2-3 years. I can only remember one time I have gotten really sick over the past 4 years, when there was a huge bug going around a school I taught at. Ive avoiding catching another since. Eating the right foods, using the right supplements, taking the right vitamins, working out consistently have all played a role in that. My immune system at 26 is the best its ever been in my entire life. If you get sick often, take a look at what youre putting into your body. Your health habits or lack there of play a huge part in whether or not you get sick. The great thing is that you can always change what youre doing. If you want help, you know Im here.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 01:35:15 +0000

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