If your religion do not allow you to get united with people from - TopicsExpress


If your religion do not allow you to get united with people from other religion then that religion is not good, If your religion creates the feeling of fear(.fear of the mysterious, fear of defeat, fear of death) and teaches you to fear your God then that religion is not good. If your religion teaches you to pray for things to happen without doing work then your religion is not good. Existence of GOD is unquestionable which is evident by various scientific facts, but the definition of GOD is also not possible, as Infinite entity can not be defined by Finite set of words. The present Religion or religious community/person are such that they actually forgot the true meaning of GOD and instead they are indulged in other meaningless activities...Like Sacrifice of Animals in Religious Temples is absolutely unethical and brutal activity which GOD will never like. NO HINDU LITERATURE MOTIVATES TO SACRIFICE ANIMAL/HUMAN for ATTAINMENT OF HAPPINESS. So such type of things may be available in many other religion. But we can not say that Religion has taught such things to HUman, because such type of things are added by humans into religion. GODDESS KALI has killed ASURAs (EVIL) , that does not signify GODDESS KALI will always seek blood of innocent animals. NO RELIGION TEACH VIOLENCE, WE HUMANS LIKE VIOLENCE AND WE DO IT IN THE NAME OF RELIGION. A Simple example to prove humans like Violence is WWE, The growing popularity of WWE proves how much violence humans like. This time they justify the enjoyment of having violence in the name of Sport, some time humans justify violence in the name of Religion, and some time humans justify violence in the name of Taste. Basically Humans are responsible for destroying their own religion and faith. Religion is not responsible.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 16:47:50 +0000

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