Ileana’s question 1: “The highest intelligence grade of all - TopicsExpress


Ileana’s question 1: “The highest intelligence grade of all Universe is of 33% and it is owned by the inhabitants of the planet which is most close of the Energetic Center; these percentages are “in rapport with the crystalline system of the bone system” -Which is the intelligence grade which corresponds to the level of 51%- mandatory for the passage into Universe? Answer 1 by Zoran Tiger: The percentages are relatively. On Earth the human being must pass through the phases which are previous to the evolution, afterward entering in evolution with the required intelligence. The development level is of 51%. The development level is not the same with the intelligence. The intelligence level on 51% is between 3 and 9%. Ileana’s question 2: “Each man from Universe has a duty he must fulfill daily, the duty he knows in the sunrise from the leader of the mission. Leader of the mission can be anybody, by turns, but mandatory is only one the leader of the mission, and the missions are countless.” -Would You please give us an example of duty- easy, medium, difficult? ….what is given to a person who succeeded 51% so after he/she got in The Universe? Answer 2 by Zoran Tiger: No person from Earth entered in the Universe. In that case, what example shall I give you? In Universe, in any mission there is easy, medium and difficult duty. Easy is when you prepare an objective, medium when you discover the ways which may solve that objective, and difficult is when you solve it. Ileana’s question 3: “The aura is that which is formed, triggered, maintained, supported by the body, according to its evolution. It is your own energy.” “People who have no spirit- they have no aura.” -The aura exists to the people who have no united spirit, that is the sense? And it does not exist to the people who have their “spirit under construction”, or to these- and the aura is in construction? -What represents “spirit under construction”? Is the spirit which is under the construction of the unity? Answer 3 by Zoran Tiger If you were reading very well my answers, you wouldn’t ask me that question. The energetic circles acquire energetic color. These last ones surround the man. The more you develop, the more opened and bright becomes the color up to the level a color can be opened. The spirit in evolution is the spirit which grows once with the individual development. Ileana’s question 4: “The pair of a color of aura receives the energy, while the unpaired one reflects the energy.” “The paired is that which maintains the energy, while the unpaired is that which accept it from the environment.” “Green, Red, Yellow, Blue”- are paired colors. -I don’t understand, when You say “a pair of a color”- You refer that each color has “a pair”- namely a complementary color? -Or to the fact that there are “paired colors”- which receive and maintain the energy, thus they merge, giving birth to a new color, in sense of transformation? And other “unpaired colors”- which receive and reflect the respective energy, namely they are refractive, they pass it forward? That refraction intensified, gives an impulse, or how is it? -The colors aren’t they also energies? Energies which through compositions, parameters, reflection appear as having certain colors? -Can You give us examples of “unpaired colors”? -Talking about the colors of the aura of a person, the paired colors are always balanced in rapport with the unpaired ones? Or can some be preponderant, every time existing a certain development stage of that person? Logically, considering that the aura has as principal component the stock’s dominant- with a specific color, it seems that there is a preponderant color. Is it so? -To a bigger development, are there correspondent colors which receive and reflect, or the colors which receive and maintain? (of course, there is not only and only, but I think that there is a predominance of colors of a certain type, on certain development scales). Or the problem is not that way, both/in any cases the purpose is them to be purified, to be opened, to shine? Answer 4 by Zoran Tiger: The colors are those which reflect the development of each man. The colors are paired, namely even and unpaired, namely odd. They differ one from another by color and that is all, there is no difference between colors. The color is by Creation, that is the custom and it is respected as it is. The more the human being developed, the more the colors acquire another nuance, up to the total development. The total development of a color you will not see, because if there is the final development of a color, farewell evolution! Farewell eternity! There is not such thing in The Universe. The eternity is always present through evolution and granted by Creation.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 09:59:25 +0000

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