Ill never forget the day I subbed for the school nurse and a - TopicsExpress


Ill never forget the day I subbed for the school nurse and a student fell and split his head open on our shady school playground. Ill never forget thinking we are getting a real playground here even if its the last thing I do in Afghanistan!! Ill never forget the next week when a kind man from South Africa showed up and gave $5K to kick the project off. I wont forget the slow months in between trying to raise the remaining funds. Ill never forget Ken spending half of our last Christmas in Kabul talking to a man in China trying to figure out how to get the playground shipped to Afghanistan. Ill never forget Ken shedding tears that something so simple was so complicated in this crazy world we had come to love. Ill never forget the day I left Kabul having big tears stream down my face as I sat looking at our pathetic school playground asking God, When will Afghanistan ever get your best? Ill never forget today, nearly two years later, when the school nurse sent pictures of the kids playing on their new playground for the first time. May it be symbolic of whats to come. Thank you to the many friends and family who donated to ISKs new playground. And thank you to the staff who are still there, believing that the best is yet to come.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 05:26:30 +0000

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