Ill share this every time I can. Oh how we as a nation have - TopicsExpress


Ill share this every time I can. Oh how we as a nation have forgotten so much. The age of smart phones and stupid people is upon us. Each day we get closer and closer to becoming the human characters in the movie W.A.L.L.-E. Everything in our lives revolves around electronic devices. The act of face to face interactions is quickly becoming a lost art, which is sad. I would much rather talk to someone face to face, rather than through some device. Im almost scared to see what things will be like 10-20 years from now. I hope that our nation can become what it once was, and still has the ability to be, rather than what I see it sadly becoming. I feel as though we are becoming a nation of lemmings. Blindly following others that are doing nothing more than leading us over the edge of a cliff to our demise. Too few notice the signs that warn us of what is ahead. And those even fewer numbers that try to warn others, they get ignored and called crazy, paranoid, or domestic terrorists. Those friends I call fellow patriots. I hope that things can be corrected and our nation can become great and proud again. A nation to be respected, and feared, not because of what harm we do to others, but because of what we can do when provoked. Its time we become a nation that can stand proud once again, and become a nation that when poked, we show our teeth and break out the claws. And if that doesnt deter the threat, we should try something that we havent done in the last few years. We use those teeth and claws. Just to remind others, that we are a peaceful nation, as long as you do not provoke us into action. But before any of that can happen, we need to stop creating and raising a bunch of insecure, thin skinned pansies. Life sucks, your feelings will get hurt, you dont get everything you want. And those are good things, having the bad in our lives, helps us appreciate the good. And the good things are so much sweeter and more enjoyable when you actually have to work for them. Thats a lesson long forgotten in our society. Its embarrassing.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 04:47:52 +0000

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