Im not even sure what this 7 volume novel says, but if this person - TopicsExpress


Im not even sure what this 7 volume novel says, but if this person was serious enough to type all this shit out on our page, I feel I might as well share it with the masses. Im about to go back and hit the like button on GP,, Wiz Lisa Parsons:: Maybe minimum wage needs to increase but I agree with holly, its no ones fault but your own if you CHOSE not to advance yourself. Minimum wage jobs are ideal for teenagers who live with their parents and have no bills. Its an entry level position which either gives you the experience to advance in that company or something temporary till you make yourself more marketable. I dont understand why yall feel entitled to a $7 raise. If you cant afford your lifestyle, then YOU need to adjust your life. If I couldnt afford a cellphone, I wouldnt have a cellphone. I sure as hell aint going to demand a raise. And all yall that keep bringing white people up in the conversation... This has NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE. Funny how its publicly acceptable for every other race to say whatever they want to about white people and we dont defend ourselves... Let me make this clear, I AM NOT RACIST. but it offends me when people act like whites are the bad guys here. its ridiculous. Minorities with average grades have a better chance of getting into colleges than white people with above average grades. Minorities are more likely to get hired than a more qualified white person. Am I complaining about it? Not at all because I think its great that this country is trying to bridge that gap especially for people who start life with a disadvantage (ie. people in poverty). I know a white man who studied his ass off for a test in the army which would advance him in his career but because the minority didnt score as high, the test was pulled and all his hard work was for nothing because they said the test was racially bias. Then a few years later, every minority in his company had got promoted a rank and he didnt. He lost like $100 a month on his retirement because of this situation. So, although I know there are still issues with race in this country, there are plenty of opportunities for any race to advance. You have to recognize those opportunities and apply yourself to get ahead... Not demand businesses to pay you more than you qualify for. Hope I didnt piss everyone off with this comment but like I said, I find it offensive when people insult my race too.
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 21:45:09 +0000

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