Im offering a FREE internal health assessment with Iridology to - TopicsExpress


Im offering a FREE internal health assessment with Iridology to the first 10 people. I look at it as an internal MRI reflecting the conditions of inside the body. I have been studying and practicing the art of Iridology for quite some time now and currently pursuing to work my way up to a Master Iridologist. This study reveals the health of the individual. By reading the iris of the eyes I am able to see weaknesses, inherited weaknesses, tissue strength, toxin settlement, injuries, inflammation, drug accumulations, acidosis, stress, stomach/bowel disorders, malabsorption and indicate the stage of disease from acute, sub acute, chronic and degenerative etc. Studying the eye to discover what might be happening inside the human body is not a new idea; Egyptians, cave dwellers, and American Indians have left us part of the puzzle concerning the importance of the eye as a window into the body. In Luke 11:33, (Remember Luke was the physician in the Bible), Jesus says, your eye is the lamp of your body, when your eye is sound, your whole body is full of light: but when it is not sound, your body is full of darkness Contact me if you are interested in a MReye.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 22:51:18 +0000

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