Imran khan is a zionist and anti pakistan british royal family - TopicsExpress


Imran khan is a zionist and anti pakistan british royal family controlled agent deployed by the anti-pakistan forces to act as todays equivalent of the traitor of Islam and Pakistan- mujibur rahman. his ex-wife jemima khan belongs to the jewish goldsmith family of britain, who are in an extended familial relation with the jewish, ant- islam, anti-prophet muhammad -rothschild family. this lady jemima khan in december 2011 paid for the bail of that cia run limited self exposure outlet wikileaks founder,the MI6-CIA agent julian assange. another reference to take into consideration is that according to jewish law only a jew can marry a jewish woman therefore it is 100% certain that behind all our backs this concealed traitor imran khan must have prior to marrying the jewess jemima converted from islam to judaism therefore immediately as according to islamic law being eligble to be killed for having betrayed not only islam but also prophet muhammad (sm). if any elections are orchestrated in pakistan now according to british, american, israeli, and hindu gameplan imran khans political party would be suppossedly defeated by the other pakistani traitors zardari and nawaz sharifs parties and from then onwards this modern day mir jafar , mir sadiq equivalent person- imran khan would overtly give the call to all those gulible people who have supported him in the so called democratic elections to foment nation wide riots just like 40 years back that apostate- mujibur rahman had done in east pakistan ,thereby resulting in god forbide the break up of pakistan. it is my humble appeal to all pakistani patriots,and nationalists and the slaves of god almighty and his final prophet muhammad (sm) to destroy the existant anti-islam governance and judicial system in the country and abandon forever this wretched apostate and traitor led and run political party system and structure which divides us pakistanis along ehthnic, sectarian, linguistic, provincial lines and replace the evil western type so called democracy with an islam mandated sytem of governance and administration. go to hell you zardaris, nawaz sharifs, asfandyar wali khans, altaf hussains, and imran khans. we in pakistan should always and forever support the pakistan army because it is only the pakistan army which has protected pakistan, our beloved nation from our enemies hindu india (first and foremost), britain, united states and israel. if pakistan army god forbid was detroyed then pakistani people should BRACE themselves for the time when the purely evil hindus would be raping pakistani woman and girls, our mothers, and sisters. therefore, the only way for pakistan to forever destroy its enemies whether they be internal or external is for all pakistani muslims to sacrifice their everything for assisting and supporting the general kayani (may god bless this great pakistani patroit and grant him success against the enemies of islam and pakistan) led pakistan army. imran khan, you apostate, hindu-stooge who whenever goes to his favourite city mumbai stays there in that anti-islam, anti-pakistan indian businessman adi godrejs house to draw briefings from RAW agents, your good rhetoric will not befool the great people of pakistan. imran khan you have had your cover blown. imran khan you are no patriotic pakistan, you are an india lover and jew directed zombie. pakistani people will not let you be mujiber rahman number-2. we patriotic pakistanis want our beloved pakistan army to destroy the un-islamic western democratic system prevailing in pakistan and replace it with a caretaker government made up of young, professional, prophet muhammad (sm) loving and following pakistani patroits. pakistanis only have one leader to guide and direct us and that is prophet muhammad (sm). we dont need zardari, nawaz sharif, gilani, altaf hussain, asfandyar wali khan, imran khan, pervez musharraf.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 18:35:02 +0000

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