In 1871, the District of Columbia (D.C.) was created and at the - TopicsExpress


In 1871, the District of Columbia (D.C.) was created and at the same time a new constitution was adopted by the 41st congress which, without authority or authorization granted itself the status of a corporation to operate within the ten dedicated miles of Washington (District of Columbia) D.C.. The UNITED STATES corporation exists only within the District under the new constitution of 1871. As a corporation, it is bound and ruled by commercial contract law, not by the common law of the people. Lincoln suspended the constitution (the one we think we operate under) during the Civil War and established martial law. That order has never been retracted or rescinded as required under the Lieber Code. There has been no declaration of peace, nor any treaties between the newly adopted constitution and the occupied people of the formerly sovereign states, to retract the order. We Hebrew Israelites have effectively been in a state of occupation perpetrated by the corporation operating in the District of Columbia known as THE UNITED STATES or as, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (a corporation). This is opposed to the collection of sovereign states known as the United States. Capitalization is an important point to take note of here. Capitis Diminutio Maxima: (meaning a maximum loss of status or “civil death” for the individual. Through the use of capitalization, e.g. JOHN DOE or DOE JOHN) the individual (with rights) is reduced to slave status with no rights or in this case to a corporate trust as an entity who can own nothing. This is why any correspondence with federal agencies which have to do with taxes or legal issues with the government will have your name capitalized. This capitalization is a notice to you that as so called African-Americans, Negroes, Blacks or Coloreds and not Hebrew Israelites; a) You are a corporately held trust no different than any other commodity and have no man-kind status. b) You will appear in an administrative court rather than a judicial court and cannot use the constitution to defend yourself because it does not apply to us as so called African-Americans, Negroes, Blacks or Coloreds and the Uniform Commercial Code will be administrated as per contract commercial law, not the common law. There have not been any judges in America since 1789. There are only Administrators. This is why so called “judges” are appointed and not elected. Administrators, not judges, are appointed by federal and state officials to administer commercial contract law using the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). Which I guess would explain how people with no law background become “judges”. Judges administer law, while administrators administer codes and statutes. Commercial contract law (UCC) is used to override the common law that we believe we are living under via the constitution. The court systems here in (New Egypt) the United States are nothing more than a web of administrative courts which administer the law of (PERMITS) contracts. In order for the law of contracts to apply to you, you must first enter into (GIVING YOUR SOVEREIGNTY AWAY) a contract with the corporation: in this case, THE UNITED STATES (a corporation). To enter into this (GIVING YOUR SOVEREIGNTY AWAY) contract you simply have to register to vote, file a birth certificate, apply for government provided benefits of any kind, get a driver license, apply for a business license, pay a fee for permission to use or access government owned properties (parks, etc.) or waterways (ASK FOR PERMISSION). There is no instance when your interaction with what we know as THE UNITED STATES (a corporation) does not result in you automatically being entered into contract with said corporation. Once done, you have ceased to be a Hebrew Israelite in the eyes of the government and now are reduced to a corporate trust (an entity) with no sovereignty and vulnerable and subject to the law of contracts. How does this happen? Ever hear of something called an “adhesion contract”? These are contracts with irrevocable terms which never change. Each and every time you sign your name for taxes, licenses or ask for government benefits you are in effect renewing the contract. This renewal or even first time signing is a statement to the effect that you agree to the control of the federal government (a corporation controlled by contract law) and have forfeited your rights (YOU SOVEREIGNTY) to constitutional protections. In the case of taxes unless you sign the w-2 or the Form 1040 or any of the other forms, in essence agreeing to the contract you are not obliged to pay. The one advantage to all of this is that under the laws of contracts, you the signatory, must be informed in advance of all provisions of the contract. In lieu of this you can revoke your signature and be repaid all funds paid into Social Security and taxes going back to the original and first time you entered into the contract unknowingly. You should also be made aware that “citizens of the UNITED STATES” includes only those people living within the corporate ten mile boundary of the District of Columbia. Using this basis for defining who was and was not a citizen enabled the changes to the original “Trading With the Enemies Act” of 1917. Under the original law it described “enemies of the state” as “other than citizens of the United States.” Section 2 subdivision ( c ) Chapter 106 Trading with the Enemy Act of Oct. 6, 1917 (40 Stat. L. 411) amended March 9, 1933, Chapter 106, Section 5, subdivision (b “…any person within the United States.” H.R. 1491 Public No. 1.” Notice in both cases that United States is not capitalized, so neither version of this act is applied to the corporation known as THE UNITED STATES, or THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It applies to the common citizen of the occupied collective states, or the United States. So all this time, I, who prided myself on actually reading the Constitution, assuring myself that I knew what my rights were as so called African-Americans, Negroes, Blacks or Coloreds, what the laws were, and thoroughly convinced that a return to the Constitution would reverse all the devastation heaped on us Hebrew Israelites by one corrupt administration after another; one spineless congress after another have had to admit that we have no options left to us. We sovereign Hebrew Israelites that are now waking up to the truth, must now understand that we must refuse to continue to exist in servitude to the corporation known as (NEW EGYPT) THE UNITED STATES. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=123873787753273&set=a.123873404419978.20579.100003919574930&type=3&theater
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 15:38:22 +0000

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