In April, both a lunar and solar eclipse will take place. - TopicsExpress


In April, both a lunar and solar eclipse will take place. Sandwiched between the eclipses, Mars, Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto will station at 13 degrees in opposing astrological signs, forming what we call a Grand Cardinal Cross. Grand Crosses involve squares and oppositions which impact our actions, our perspective and our ability to balance competing energies. So, April will be a happening month for all of us, especially if the Grand Cross forms challenging angles to the planets in your birth chart. This heightened activity may cause stress in your life, but it also supports you in: Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse - April 15th • Letting go of something that no longer serves you Grand Cardinal Cross - April 20-26th • Evolving an aspect of your personality in a positive direction New Moon/Solar Eclipse - April 29th • Setting an intention for something you hope to achieve With all this going on in the sky, I thought it would be a great time to offer you insight into which areas of your life these events will impact, so you can plan now to maximize their influence. So, for only $15 Im offering a written report in PDF format that will: • Point to area(s) in your life in which you can capitalize on the intense eclipse energy • Point to which aspect of your personality the Grand Cross impacts, and suggest how you might alleviate the stress it causes and/or make the most of the support it offers If you would like to take me up on this offer, please let me know by no later than Fri, April 11th so Ill have time to collect payment via PayPal and send you the report prior to the first eclipse on April 15th. Also, feel free to forward this e-mail to any friends or family members you think might be interested. Mari Saint-Pierre Night Side of the Moon nightsideofthemoon [email protected]
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 19:57:58 +0000

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