In a turn of events that likely left the radical left flummoxed, a - TopicsExpress


In a turn of events that likely left the radical left flummoxed, a recent Rasumssen poll shows the recent shooting rampage at the Washington, D.C., Navy Yard resulted in increased public support for gun ownership. Compared to the results of a similar poll after last years shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, Americans have become decidedly more pro-Second Amendment. The change is most pronounced among women, a group whose general opposition to restrictive gun control has increased by 15 percent. Overall, opposition has jumped seven points during the same period. Rasmussen further reports an overwhelming majority of Americans have no faith in the government to enforce gun laws. That notion is even reflected by one in three who favor such legislation. Following the Sandy Hook shooting, more Democrats were in favor of additional gun control than treatment for mental issues. In the recent poll, those sentiments were reversed with mental health initiatives garnering more support. Just one in three Americans polled believe gun control measures would have prevented the most recent mass shooting, while a consensus agrees the mainstream media pays too much attention to such tragedies. As random acts of violence continue to take place within so-called gun-free zones, which flies in the face of leftist talking points, it is no surprise the nation is beginning to realize the true motivation behind the call to ban guns. Just as with nearly every disastrous policy the leftists in power hope to impose on the rest of us, gun control is primarily a way to guarantee greater power among the ruling class.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 15:54:11 +0000

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