In my perfect world, we would have a completely new system based - TopicsExpress


In my perfect world, we would have a completely new system based on love. A system that educates the whole planet & teaches that we are all part of the same thing, that we are One, just like every cell in the body is a different cell yet make up the whole vehicle in which the Self travels in this 3 dimensional existence. A world with a one world government led by spiritual people (not religious people) thats based on compassion, mindfulness & understanding & the well being & happiness of all. A tolerant world in which through education, accepts everyone & enjoys the differences in all cultures instead of these differences being a weapon to drive barriers between us. A government that first looks after all of the people of the world & makes poverty a thing of the past. A government that doesnt lie. A world in which all health care is free for everyone & not a money spinning business, but real health care that tells us the truth about how to live healthily & concentrates firstly on prevention of illness & then cure. A government that invests in all third world countries, Eastern Europe & all countries less well off than we are etc. in building infrastructures that make all countries very much self sustainable in every way imaginable. A world in which all fundamentalism is outlawed, although with education, fundamentalism would dissolve anyway. A government that brings about change with the land, so that everyone has real food (not GMO crap) & water & a place to live happily with their loved ones. Did you know that 30% of the worlds land is arid? This can be changed in a big way to make the land more fertile, as the Chinese did with a part of their country that was arid, turning it into a fruitful garden the size of Holland. See this: youtube/watch?v=YBLZmwlPa8A A world in which everyone could work for the greater good of everyone else & be proud of where they come from & the good that they can do for others, taking away the need to leave their homes & the people that they love as survival wouldnt be an issue. This way we would have world peace & no need for boarders. A world in which all people come to stillness of body & mind every day so that we can really evolve in the way that we should. A world of gratitude, as gratitude is happiness. A world in which profit is not the most important thing, in fact not important at all, but human happiness takes pole position. The money spent on the war in Iraq alone wouldve been enough to achieve this, but the ruling classes dont want that as these few dozen families would lose their control. A world in which we live without fear, without fighting, without greed & all of this is obtainable if we demand it. A world in which taxes are small & only there to aid our well being & the well being of all. A world in which interest on borrowing doesnt exist, but instead those that borrow happily put a small percentage of profits back into the system to help others. A inflation free world in which all of the money is controlled by the state, which is there only to help all mankind & all of the creatures on our beautiful planet to survive, be happy & content, instead of owned by just a few families & used for the good of all mankind instead of just the very very few. A world without debt, which I feel should be completely abolished. Every country in the world is in debt, the world is in debt & that debt isnt to Mars. Why should most of the world live in poverty just so these few ruling families can own all of the land, money, fuel & food. This is just the tip of the iceberg in what would be my perfect world. I have a dream & that dream is that we love each other unconditionally. Join the love revolution!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 11:58:48 +0000

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