In order to solve the problems this nation face, every citizen - TopicsExpress


In order to solve the problems this nation face, every citizen must come to understand if our neighbor has a problem then because we are interconnected, we have a problem as well. In order to mend the rifts our historic national sins caused, every citizen must not only learn but also desire to view each other as true equals. This does not mean we must stop seeing the race of the person standing next to us; nor does it mean we should hide the cause of the problems. Rather, we must be brave enough to acknowledge that the real problems needing to be addressed are the sinful perspectives and misplaced values of our nation. More importantly, we must realize that anguish, disappointments, and problems exist on both sides of the racial spectrum. The reason why this post applies to you as well as I is regardless of our skin color, we are all of the same race called human. My final point is the God of Abraham tossed the last group that started fighting in heaven {Lucifer and a host of angels} out. The unspoken truth is Capitalism{the love of money}, Egoism(thinking to highly of oneself), Exceptionalism(pride), and Racism(hate because of skin color) will only purchase a mansion next to the lake of fire, which is the second and final death. {For more information, please read Mark 8: 35-37 For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospels will save it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul? For what will a man give in exchange for his soul?}
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 10:12:09 +0000

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