In the fifth day of “Reclaim the Legislature, Defend - TopicsExpress


In the fifth day of “Reclaim the Legislature, Defend Democracy,” we have 3 petitions as follows: 1. The Executive Yuan should withdraw the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement. 2. The Cross-Strait Supervisory Agreement will be passed in this parliamentary session. 3. President Ma should make any responses in person. “Reclaim the Legislature, Defend Democracy Movement” has entered its fifth day as tens of thousands of Taiwanese have stepped up and shown their concerns about Taiwan’s future, and at the same time, they defend the values of democracy firmly. Taiwanese government dealt the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement in a reckless and untransparent way, which caused the disapproval of over 70% Taiwanese people. Tens of thousands of people even went into and outside the Parliament to demand the government to withdraw the agreement and launch a new talk with China. However, Premier Jiang Yi-huah denied our first and second petitions as he came to the Parliament to confront with the protesters this afternoon. He said that the Executive Yuan will not withdraw the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement, and will not promise to make the Cross-Strait Supervisory Agreement either. The Premier did not show any sincerity in communicating with people. Other departments of the Taiwanese government even avoid responsibility that no one dares to respond to the movement. Withdraw the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement and defend democracy. We will stay in the Parliament until President Ma faces the people genuinely. Tens of thousands of Taiwanese people are gathering together to protect our freedom and democratic rights. Before receiving any responses from the president, we will never retreat. Please keep showing your attention and support to Taiwan. Thank you very much!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 01:35:14 +0000

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