Inequality for all. Thats the truth about our society. I was - TopicsExpress


Inequality for all. Thats the truth about our society. I was recommend to watch this documentary which I found very interesting and this is why I want to share it with you. It is sad to see how much inequality and injustice there is in the world. It is even more unfair that poverty and inequality is increasing rather than reducing. Now, this video talks about America but we have similar issues in pretty much all western societies. It is important to know how our society works and our reality. This documentary will probably make you feel angry. It is ok to feel angry, however, we need to transform that angry in hope and focus on how to change the world. Because we are 99% (or in some case 45%) and if we work together, if we help each other, we can definitely change the world. Together we can push our governments and force them to work for us all, for rich and for poor people. For equality, well-being, education, sanity, opportunities, social change and social justice. I know, it sounds unachievable but actually it is possible. We need to start to believe that a change is possible and spread the word. Some of us probably have jobs, good qualification, a stable family, an iphone and a tv. We all have computers, internet and pretty much everything. However, it is essential that we do also think about those people who are not lucky as we are. So, my dear friends, I am appealing to your humanity. I am not asking you to become full time activists, I am asking you to take some time to inform yourself, to believe in something bigger and in a change, to see other people as your friends and not enemies. I am asking you to see that immigrant, unemployed, homeless as a result of a politic which doesnt work any more and need to be challenged. We cant change the world as individuals but we can change the world together, by helping each other and looking after each other. But mainly at the moment I am asking you to open your eyes and take time to watch this documentary. Haha and hopefully someone will read this and watch the documentary. #letschangetheworld #changeispossible #lifeisbeautiful #collectiveaction #believe #peace #equalityforall
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 22:10:02 +0000

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