#Insert_13 *********** Kayla- She is your ex.. Nate- And I - TopicsExpress


#Insert_13 *********** Kayla- She is your ex.. Nate- And I regret ever making that mistake.. Kayla- Really now.? Nate- Yeah.. I dont know why I didnt wait for you to come.. Kayla- Mm.. But, its all in the past now.. Nate- Yeah.. And we are the future, right.? Kayla- Yeah.. But, you must remember that we are not dating, it is just an act.. Nate- Yeah.. I know and I wont forget.. Kayla- Oh.. I love you too, baby.. I said that I love you too, baby a bit loud that I think Amy and Miya heard.. Everyone got seated and the players got in, led by the cheerleaders.. The Miya chick was good, the cheeleader of course, not Chris Miya.. The game began and it was really cool, crazy and the competition was very high.. Both teams were in their games and they both wanted to win.. Kayla- Do you think we stand a chance with these tall guys.? Nate- Yeah.. We won the past three years.. Kayla- Oh.? Nate- Yeah.. Jay is here, we cant loose.. Kayla- Oh.. Hes the best player.? Nate- Yeah.. Now, can we talk about him no more.? Kayla- No problem, anything for my boyfriend.. Nate- Drink.? Kayla- Yes, please.. He got up to get some drinks, I noticed that Miya wasnt where she was seated either.. After Nate left, Chris turned to me.. Chris- Hy.. Kayla- You only see me when your girl is not around.? Chris- You told me to stay away, remember.? Kayla- Yes, I do.. Chris- So.. You enjoyin the game.? Kayla- Yes, very much.. Chris- I didnt get your numbers.. Kayla- And you never will.. Chris- Kayla, come on.. Kayla- Ok.. How about you ask Miya is she has them and maybe she just might share them with you.. Chris- Ok.. Uhm, just know that I meant what I said.. I love you.. Kayla- I.. Chris, lets not do this.. Chris- Sure.. But I hope that one day you will realise just how much I love you.. Kayla- Christopher, please.. Chris- I wont apologise.. Kayla- Yeah.. I know that.. Chris- Good.. We both went back to watching to the game.. He kept looking at me and I did it too.. We both had our hands next to each other and they ended up touching.. He drew something on my hand and that somehow turned me on.. I looked at me, he looked at me and did something with his eyes.. I got up, Im sorry but I couldnt hold myself anymore.. I pulled him up and we ran together, hand in hand.. We got to the back of the gym building and kissed.. It was great, very great and I wanted him very bad.. I was at school and he wasnt my boyfriend, not that that mattered at the time.. I kissed the hell out of him that he was suprised that I was capable of such kissing.. After one long kiss, I mean very long.. I fixed myself and tried to leave.. He got me by my pants and pulled me back to him.. Chris- Where are you going.? Kayla- We have to get back to the game, or else Miya and Nate might suspect something.. Chris- Are we supposed to care about their suspisions.? Kayla- Uhm.. They are our patners.. Chris- Right.. Theres also that.. Kayla- Yeah.. Ill see you later.. Chris- Ok.. Wait.. Kayla- What.? Chris- Uhm.. Something.. This.. He kissed me, so passionatly.. I kissed him back, but pulled out after enjoying it.. Kayla- I have to go.. Chris- I love you.. I just looked at him and went back inside.. I found both Nate and Miya seated, when I got in, Jay scored.. Kayla- Go Jason.!!!! I said that as I sat down.. I felt incharge, for some weird reason and I really loved the feeling.. After I said that, he looked at me and smiled.. He looked even a lot more handsome when he smiled.. I sat down.. Nate- Where were you.? Kayla- I went to the ladies, missed me.? Nate- Yeah.. A lot.. Miya- Uhm, Kayla, have you seen Chris.? Kayla- Did you ask me to keep an eye on him.? Miya- I was just asking.. Kayla- Yeah, me too.. Nate- Babe, come on.. Kayla- I dont know, last time we spoke, you told me to stay away from him.. Miya- Thanks for your help.. She got up and left, she bumped into Chris at the door and they left.. I hoped and wished that they were not going to do anything.. The game continued and it was still great.. After the game, our school had a little celebration, yeah, we won.. I was with Nate but he went to Joshua so I went to say HI to Jason.. Kayla- Jay.. Hello there.. Jay- Kayla.. Hey.. Kayla- You good.? Jay- Never been better.. So.. What did you think about the game.? Kayla- It was great, very great.. And you were amazing.. Jay- Wow, thanks.. I try my best hey.. Kayla- And you do just that, your best.. Jay- You are in a very good mood today.. Nate- Why wouldnt she be, she is dating Nate.. Kayla- Nate.. Jay- Hahaha.. Very funny.. Nate- Im not making a joke, we are dating.. Jay- Kayla, is this true.? Kayla- Yeah.. You should be happy for me.. Nate- Yeah.. Good friends become happy for their friends when something good happens.. Jay- Excuse me.. Kayla- Jay, we were still talking.. Jay- No.. I think we are done here.. He just left and I didnt understand why or what was going on with him and Nate.. #Reh.OM.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 17:31:08 +0000

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