Interesting interview, a few observations: 1. As much as Im a - TopicsExpress


Interesting interview, a few observations: 1. As much as Im a fan of AAP, I dont buy this entire line of argument around how theres not been any development in Gujarat. A few people visiting a few villages can never make any realistic assessment of an entire state. Moreover, the issues that are being highlighted dont, by themselves, disqualify claims of Gujarat development - Gujarat is merely one of the better states in an otherwise poor country, its not the United States! 2. Very heartening to see AK unconditionally apologize for the violent behavior of AAP volunteers. He does not enter into any blame game, rather quietly condemns the behavior of his own supporters without diverting the focus on BJP (apart from a very slight insinuation that they started first) 3. What happened yesterday in Delhi was deplorable from both sides. I dont know who started first (I refuse to believe anyone who claims to know this) and, frankly, I dont care. Just because one side throws a brick doesnt justify the other party throwing one too. 4. The Gujarat police didnt do anything wrong. Yes, its likely they had been instructed by the powers to be but, whether we like it or not, those have become the rules of the game. Eventually, it all got sorted out quickly and peacefully. 5. There was also nothing wrong in AAP volunteers congregating in front of the BJP office to protest. As I said above, politics isnt a fair game to begin with and as long as matters remain peaceful and under control its ok to operate in the grey zone. AAP has a history of protests but never have they turned violent. Im happy to give them credit that the intention wasnt one of violence. Maybe BJP started first, maybe some AAP volunteers lost their cool... either way shit happens! 6. Bottom line for me is this. I dont have a big issue with either BJP or AAP. My BIGGEST issue is with the over-zealous supporters of both parties who dont seem to have spend a second in evaluating the situation objectively but have spared no effort in propagating blind support in favour of the party they support. It is exactly this phenomenon of divide and rule that has plagued out country for over a hundred years. Divide and rule isnt just a chapter in our history books, its a reality that Im seeing everyday these days and among my very own friends!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 04:27:32 +0000

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