Introduction to The Scam by Jeff Rudd. (Including the REAL reason - TopicsExpress


Introduction to The Scam by Jeff Rudd. (Including the REAL reason why a certain few want YOUR Seanad to vanish for ever!) . . In the beginning: The title of this collection of writing is called “THE IRISH WATER SCAM - As Perpetrated By The Irish Government 2014” – while accurate for the year what this writing is typed, the fact is that the Irish Water scam started under another previous government to the now present one of Fine Gael and Labour coalition who is “perpetrating” (further carrying out) the actions of the previous elected in government to them. The previous era of Fianna Fail and The Green Party saw in a Memorandum of Understanding with Troika in 2010. Part of the text of this was as follows: . Water services reform 36. The Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) will carry out consultations to determine the framework for household water charges with a view to start charging by the end of the EU-IMF programme period. The CER will also conduct consultations in due course to determine the pricing methodology for the non-domestic sector. . 37. The Government will publish the General Scheme of a Water Services Bill with the aim of defining the regulatory framework for the water sector under a national public utility setting and providing for the establishment of Irish Water in its final form. There will be prior engagement with the European Commission as appropriate, in developing the legislative arrangements. . The above opened the floodgate as such to allow the further changes to come about which would culminate in the present Irish Water antic which is being continued openly and by sly methods, via the current coalition government. Fianna Fail (sadly the Green Party appeared to many, just to roll at times with whatever Fianna Fail wanted – and supported them by Dail vote) opened Pandora’s box and what has continued to spill out of it continues to bring financially punishing burdens upon the people residing in Ireland. . The consequences of this are still being played out in people’s lives and will affect future generations also. It estimated that three generations of families will be left to pay financially for the poor actions of Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, Labour, The Green Party and even Sinn Fein who at times also voted in the Dail to support measures brought in by the preceding four parties. The antics of the previous government and of the current one (as I type, year 2014) leaves little doubt to those that examine actions, words and job roles assigned, that the Fine Gael and Labour parties are in quiet financial warfare with the people of Ireland. . Standard methods of increasing taxation have been further applied, openly and at other times quietly, by upping rates on items one is not aware of, has been additionally bumped. Charges/ levies have been increased while to boot - others have been also invented - just for good further measure in attempt to financial mine further revenue from purses, pockets, wallets & bank accounts. If a person was to examine as a larger picture, all the pieces of what has been done, said and elected/non-elected appointed positioned to – one would find a very questionable picture that reeks of cronyism, nepotism, financial shenanigans, favouritism and personal political gaining’s – all taking far precedence over serving the best interests of the people of Ireland, something they were all in fact elected by the nations people in theory to do. . Sadly in the continuing case of current established mainstream parties, the best interests of the people has actually according to many, become less of a thought on their party minds (if at all!). They instead are by actions, words and Dail votes, consistently positioning themselves in ways they can best grasp as a party for collective gain and individually for self-gain. The will of the people and their best interests comes further down the list line of party priorities. They (Fine Gael and Labour) can deny this – but the crony/nepotistic appointments already made by July 2014 alone speak in evidence for itself. It’s on media and historic state record how mates of each other in the parties have been rewarded with positions. Even wife’s and other members of family of the political elected have been elevated to state sponsored roles. …But we digress… . The Irish Water scam started with two previous parties as they too (like the present ones) capitulated to EU heads who in turn are dictating to Irish elected – and the Irish elected following orders, falling into line. One can ask “Why are they falling into line?” Indeed one SHOULD ask it! . Again, some are clearly out to gain for themselves, further EU roles if they do what they are told to bring in and/or support. These roles come yet again with even more massive lifetime pensions and perks while their current salaries move even more larger while they continue to hold some form of office position. Some elected are speculated to capitulating for either later gain – the quiet promise of rewards later down the line – or for the gain of a business/investment which they or others they know, will reap a reward from. The further they get away from Irish solid, buried in a room somewhere in an EU building in central Europe, they know the less chance even further of them being held public accountable for their wayward ways. . So it was that under these conditions that the Irish Water scam was pressganged down upon the Irish people. It started in Europe – signed and carried in by Fianna Fail – and without hesitation or question, continued by Fine Gael and the Labour Party. Sadly it appears that even Sinn Fein has capitulated and amazingly accepted that they will go along with the existence of Irish Water, further allowing it (and the government) to financial rape the people of Ireland one way or another. While this has been going on and planned for quite a while it seems, there is one major thorn in the sides of those that have questionable ways and actions. That ‘thorn’ is the Irish Seanad. . . The Seanad. . The Irish Seanad’s main business is the revising of legislation sent to it by Dáil Éireann and its elected TD’s. In other words its examining all which has been voted upon and reviewed, oft times for any antics which might be buried deep within (deliberate?) complex legislative wording. The website additionally states ”The fact that a Dáil Bill must be examined also by Seanad Éireann is a safeguard against legislation being enacted too quickly. In addition to its legislative role, Seanad Éireann also debates important issues.” . …So here we have a legal legislative body that also (like the Irish Dail) immune from Irish laws of liable (for what’s said in it), can without question if it wanted to, hold up to the public light anything and anybody within it that it might wish to expose or examine. The Seanad can expose, call into question and name many a law, person or legal entity such as a semi-state body or private company which they individually or collectively see as a clear and present danger to the Irish nation and its people – now or possibly in the future. . The Seanad is one of Ireland last safeguards against those that have their own private agenda and would see the people of Ireland taken advantage of! It comes as no surprise then to many that there is people in Ireland attacking the Seanad’s existence and wishing it to be gone. It’s no secret that heads within EU buildings want the Irish Seanad to go the way of the Dodo bird – become extinct. The Seanad is hindering at times EU agenda and through Irish elected, are doing their best openly and covertly, to see that the Irish people are persuaded to close it down. They want a legislative guard dog to be put down! Why? Maybe because such water scams such as the Irish Water racket might be exposed further in it and certain people held to light so that the people of Ireland might further realise what’s really going on and say “ENOUGH!” and demand action… . The anti-Seanad side espouses that the Seanad is ineffective (paradoxically, in recent years the Government has tended to make greater use of Seanad Éireann to initiate legislation – this is even stated on the site - but the Irish public is not meant to actually note this large exposing contradictory gaping fact!). There is those in the mainstream parties which are calling for its closure due to they claiming its virtually useless and/or “a retirement club”. This claim itself is ironic as those that previously existed (and still do) in the Seanad, supposedly making it ‘bad’ were (and still are) in fact from the very political parties that is saying its crap and full of ‘wasters’ (I paraphrase). The public it’s suspected not meant to notice this ironic paradox. The main stream parties hope this very real fact been overlooked unobserved in detail and by actual individual name? . So the continuing quiet war to get rid of the Seanad continues. Does it need reform? Certainly, like ALL state departments and bodies – but no government or individual party is actually going to legislate and give the Seanad further greater constitutional powers to watch over the antic of others in the Dail. Elected TD’s with own more private agenda’s would be ‘shooting themselves in the foot’ and they know it – so many a token word and effort continues from those in power that could actually make a difference – but are not actually in effort, doing so! Instead they continue to paint only a twisted picture of reality for the public, to that they can be fooled into eventually taking away from themselves a legal body which is there to protect their very rights! . Irish Water, the previous government and the current 2014 elected one, is now attempting to run down the people’s rights. With the Seanad still sitting in the background and if used right through a cohesive effort (government strategy is to divide and conquer – this applies to the Seanad too), it could be a short or long term hindrance to those that already are running roughshod over legal individual rights of the Irish people, in civil and criminal law and what’s more over the very rights contained within the present used Irish Constitution. . So it must go completely – if the wayward can help it – and if they can fool the Irish people into doing it for them! Our all loss – their and EU eventual gain… As the 100 year celebration of 1916 started Irish independence begins - from any outside government or body having sway over the Irish people and their right to maintain self-govern – the willingness and deeds of those elected to the Dail to see that those rights are reduced even before even a century has passed, is shocking to see and hear being tried. All the while they for the cameras and microphones will (in double-standard) still sing the praises of those that died, men and women, to get such rights as we have left today! What they say and what they then do, in conflict with each other. . So it is that Irish Water can be very held to account within the Seanad. As it is, certain parties tried hard enough to see it gone before the water scam could be later introduced. Sadly (or thankfully?) they failed. Now vested interests are continuing with their scam hoping and praying that the Irish Seanad does not become further aware. Vested interests are hoping that the ‘Sleeping dogs that lie snoozing in complacency’ will not awaken and arise to bite them with the further backing of the people of Ireland. Irish Water, the vested interests at home and abroad are gleefully quietly rubbing their hands together at the Seanad so far not saying much - again, we should point out their own party men reside within, continuing distractions (worrying about even Seagulls!) so this is not a shock. . Sooner or later once the Irish Water scam is more firmly in further legislative place and/or its been meekly accepted beyond a point of no probable return, the next attempt to see the Seanad gone, will be tried. EU heads are just waiting in the bushes to see this happen and some elected at home are deliberately (or daftly) going along with this long term agenda. There can be no one Europe state if Ireland has maintained (a) its ability to expose scams and political antics with (b) further legislative powers to maintain nation independence. No, can’t be having that – so it must go! . . Why must it really go if FF, FG or Labour can help it? . The real kicker is that if 16 senators get together - they can in number force an Irish President by law, to hold a referendum on a topic of their choosing! What of that referendum question ended up being Should the Irish Government drop Irish Water, the company and guarantee JUST the water of Ireland stronger in the constitution? (...or words to that effect?) . NOW you see why some Irish heads filled with their own private agenda - along with European ones - would seriously want the Seanad to go away big time! Sneaky buggers - arent they? . . Irish Water (and other later possible scams) must be allowed continue to reap the people without any state bodies operating even semi-successfully which might throw a spanner in the works? . CONCLUSION: I could continue on and on delving into other areas here. I won’t. We shall come across some of those areas in further reading. Even then, we will have only scratched the surface of the antics and agenda of others. What is abundantly clear to many though is that there is indeed a quiet agenda which exists, gains are being personally made (now or set-up for later) by those elected and the Irish people are been misled, misinformed, denied true full facts and been in fact at times lied to through media statements released and quiet ‘un-official’ leaks. . It’s clear that elected people have previously set-up the political stage for others to follow and carry on an act. It is clear that personal interests have come far ahead of the interests of the Irish people. It’s sadly clear that Irish Water is just one more resource which others in Ireland and beyond it, wish to gain and use for their own personal profit. Be it financial and/or in egotistical prestige to boot! . It’s very clear that elected and non-elected party supporters at national level and local levels are complicit by design or unknowingly, in a plan to deny the rights of the Irish people to what the Irish constitution states is theirs and their nation in ownership in the first place! Something NOT to hand over to a private company – which is currently being done via back-door legal methods. It’s very clear that our current legislative procedure’s to hold elected individual’s accountable, are not working. “Power to the people” is something that exists on paper but in reality, has been taken away from them. …The result is a number of tried antics – the latest culminating in the Irish Water scam. . History will be a great judge – but victors write history. So far those that have given themselves the power to make history are twisting it and then writing it down. Will in a hundred years, the nation’s children be further fully educated or even have access to the full facts of ongoing events of this era? We can’t say… only speculate. Many hope that future generations will see that even if there is failure, generations to come will see that once again Irish men and women rose again and were not willing to go down without a (peaceful this time) struggle. Let history judge us all and hope the right persons are remembered fairly and accurately. . . Jeff Rudd.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 02:30:56 +0000

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