Investors Business Daily Will Obama Appoint Radical Activist To - TopicsExpress


Investors Business Daily Will Obama Appoint Radical Activist To Enforce Nations Laws? Posted 10/24/2014 06:17 PM ET Leadership: Just when you thought the president couldnt pick anyone more radical than Eric Holder as attorney general, hes poised to name ultraradical race-baiter Thomas Perez. Holders activism is no secret. But Perez is even more extreme. Worse, hes a liar and possible perjurer. Yet hes reportedly President Obamas pick to replace Holder as Americas top cop enforcing the nations laws. The Beltway media are reporting that Perez, now serving as labor secretary, is the front-runner for the key post — and he didnt deny it when reporters asked him about it at a recent speech. The Congressional Hispanic Caucus and other Latino groups have pressured President Obama to appoint the second Latino attorney general. Thats because Perez is an activist of the most radical stripe, dating back to his days as a leftist political agitator in Maryland, and certainly not someone cut out to be an impartial arbiter of the laws of the land. The former Civil Rights Division chief is an agenda driver for the social justice wing of the Democrat Party. He wont helm the Justice Department to enforce laws equally — or enforce them at all in the case of illegal immigration. As he revealed in a speech last week, hes all about getting more immigrants in to vote for Democrats and redistributing wealth. Perez told the National Press Club the country needs to fix our broken immigration system by expanding legal status for immigrants through aggressive executive action, which he said will bring about more shared prosperity. Obama knows better than to announce such a radical appointment before next months key midterm election. It would only aid Republicans, who threaten to take Senate control. Rather, hell wait until after the election. If the GOP wins big, hes expected to ram through his nod in the lame-duck session. But Republicans must fight to block this nomination. Perez should never be attorney general. He wasnt even qualified to be Marylands. He was kicked off the ballot there in a 2006 bid for state attorney general because the local political activist hadnt practiced law long enough to meet the constitutional requirement. Perez is also a dangerous a race-baiter — and a shameless liar to boot. He recently told an all-black crowd at Howard University that he learned while visiting a Mississippi school district that officials were locking up black kids for passing gas. He used the anecdote as an example of lingering white racism in the Deep South. But according to the New York Post, the school superintendent — who happens to be black — denied the whole story and said Perez never even visited. School administrators arent the only people Perez has framed as racists. Hes also compared bankers to Klansmen who practice a more subtle kind of racism thats every bit as destructive as the cross burned in a neighborhood. As civil rights chief, Perez sabotaged a landmark housing discrimination case before the Supreme Court to protect his use of the dubious disparate impact theory to shake down bankers for billions in payola. When Congress investigated, Perez swore he didnt personally intervene in the case, though emails and voicemails say otherwise. In fact, the evidence shows Perez went out of his way to derail the Supreme Court case — including flying to meet with the petitioners to get them to drop the case, then insisting they not leave a paper trail. These and other actions by Perez during his career as a radical legal activist are ethically challenged at best, and flat out illegal or morally wrong at worst. Be forewarned: Your next attorney general could be a perjurer as well as one of the most radical operatives in the administration. Read More At Investors Business Daily: news.investors/ibd-editorials/102414-723442-radical-racialist-thomas-perez-obamas-frontrunner-to-replace-holder.htm#ixzz3H9FXSdZN Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 09:45:47 +0000

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