It has been said by many that justice often is blind, that certain - TopicsExpress


It has been said by many that justice often is blind, that certain people are not subject to the law, crooked people with authority in positions of influence, the less fortunate suffers most, the law is for those who have money, and very discriminatory. Many have witnessed or been a victim of unfair practices. Unfortunately these evils will continue and thrive as long as good men and women allow it! Giving a man a badge and a gun does not give him the right to mistreat anyone nor does it qualify him as honoring the oath he swore to uphold. Their are people who have traded their white hoods in for uniforms for the express purpose of hate and racism, yeah you know who you are and I see you reading. Hating another race for the color of their skin or for something done to our ancestors does give us (African Americans) the right to practice racist habits, actions, and remarks! Somebody please tell me how destroying property, breaking in stores and stealing the merchandise of people who have no doubt work hard to acquire helped Michael Browns family or promoted any type of real legacy for him or his family? For years we as a people have been crying, wanting change and justice! People change comes from within and it bares no color. If you want to be perceived differently then change how you are being perceived! Pull your pants up, stop wearing your clothes three sizes too big falsely alerting officers. When asked to do something and yes sometimes when even told, say the simple words YES SIR and NO SIR! You just might be surprised of the outcome. If people, white, black or brown would start being accountable for their own actions the world you live in would be a much better one. I speak as one who can clearly identify with injustice of men and corruption in places of authority. My fight continues. You see, unless youve been falsely accused, lied on or the victim of another mans evil you really have no idea what that person is experiencing. I live it daily! God is he who avenges. You may even think that you have gotten away. If I were you I would not begin to rest to easy. God has the final say so ! Finally, if you died tonight what legacy would you leave behind? What would people truly say about you? A foolish man will give a foolish answer every time!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 00:52:31 +0000

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