It is better to be hated for what you are than liked for what - TopicsExpress


It is better to be hated for what you are than liked for what youre not. Have you ever noticed how many different Is you exhibit to different people in different situations during the course of any given day in order to receive a sick reward of some sort? You want that man or that woman so you play the proper part. You want that raise from your boss so you play the proper part. You want some person to think well of think youre funny, intelligent, educated, articulate, strong, kind, non-racist, firm, wise...etc, so you play the part. Why are you looking for approval from people who dont even approve of themselves? Why are you looking for people to treat you better than you treat yourself? Hasnt this whole pretentious game playing become absolutely exhausting? What a dreadful way to live ! Why dont you drop the BS act (that I can see right through like a clear pane of glass anyway) so that you can finally be free to allow a new Higher Nature to enter in and make the changes in you (which is IMPOSSIBLE for you to do yourself) so that you can become a REAL, Truly Spiritual, Truly Free individual? Ill bet you wont do it. Because youre TERRIFIED of not being you any more...right? Well, what has it been like being you? Not very pleasant, is it? Only God can do the work. You can do absolutely nothing ! Not one single thing ! You are TOTALLY helpless ! You need not be strong or powerful, you need only be connected to that which already IS strong and powerful. There is indeed Someone, Something much higher than your pitiful little mind that CAN and will do all the work for you....IF you really want it. Which I dont believe that you do or you would have done it already. Im not criticizing you, Im stating a fact. Suppose you were 40 pounds overweight and as hard as you tried you simply could not lose the weight. Ive tried and Ive tried but I just cant seem to overcome these pounds. First notice which I it is who is attempting and unable to lose the weight. Now, imagine a very wealthy and benevolent doctor who recognizes your problem and because of his love for you states the following: Ive got a certified cashiers check for $25,000 locked away here in my office safe. Ill tell you what, if you can lose the 40 pounds within six months starting today, Ill fill in your name on that check and give you free and questions asked. No ifs, ands or buts...its yours. However, if you fail to lose the weight in the allotted period of time you receive nothing. NOW who is the I that can miraculously step up to the challenge? Do you see now what the proper motivation can do for you? Just days ago you distinctly told everybody that it was impossible for you to lose the weight. What happened? Are you still not you or are you now a different you? With $25,000 for the taking on the line you can and will certainly do it now...wont you? How come you couldnt do it before? ANSWER: BECAUSE YOU REALLY DIDNT WANT TO !!! The same rudimentary obstacles are exactly what is keeping you so miserable and pretentious. And so void of any REAL, LASTING, PERMANENT Spiritual change. If you REALLY wanted true change you could have had it by now. But you wont do it because you love your misery even though you will insist that you dont. However, If there ever comes a point in your pretentious existence where you TRULY become sick and tired of being sick and tired, just know that REAL rescue is TRULY closer than your next heartbeat. But it will require your willingness to give up EVERYTHING FALSE which you now cling onto for dear life. How incredibly foolish is your fear of losing yourself to something so far above your present state of mind and emotions that its like fearing the loss of schizophrenia. But, this is not a game that you play on Sunday. This is not a Bible study. This is not about attending church, temple or Mass. This is not about being religious. This is not about being nice. This is not about dogmas or doctrines. This is not about a new philosophy or belief system. This is not about attending another spiritual seminar. This is not about new age spirituality on CDs This is not about reading the next religious leaders new best selling book. This is not about davening in Synagogue or weeping at the church alter. This is not about the latest spiritual wisdom craze sweeping the nation. This is not about the great doctor or reverends opinions for sale on Ebay. This is not about being baptized, circumcised or indoctrinated. This is not about meditation, mantras or memorization. THIS IS ABOUT DEATH !!! YOUR DEATH !!! Christ speaks of this: Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it. (Luke 17:33) Yes, your death ! The death of all of the THOUSANDS of false thought, ideas, concepts, ideologies, opinions and dogmas that you masquerade around in public and which you falsely call you. THIS IS ABOUT THE DEATH OF THE FALSE YOU AND THE REAL NEW BIRTH OF THE TRUE YOU (which isnt really you at all but something much higher) Not the new birth which so many dreadful, sick, religious fakes toss around tritely with absolutely no idea whatsoever as to the REAL meaning of this most Holy, sacred phrase. Its your decision. No one can make it except you. But you MUST mean business !!! Youll have to eat it, drink it, sleep it, hunger for it, thirst for it, long for it with your entire being 24 hours a day. Not one or two days a week on Sundays and Wednesdays. It MUST mean life or death for you. Nothing less will do. nothing less will suffice. ITS ALL OR NOTHING...Ill say it a second time, ITS ALL OR NOTHING. And even a third time just to drive it home even more, ITS ALL OR NOTHING !!! Now you have no excuse to justify your discarding of what youve read. FULLY SURRENDER the essence of yourself to God and He will do the rest. Oh, what peace, what bliss await those courageous enough to act accordingly. Remember, God does not need your help, only your permission.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 04:02:34 +0000

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