It is great to hear more and more people are learning about - TopicsExpress


It is great to hear more and more people are learning about this! Part D. Democrats had wanted the government to run the drug program directly, just like it administers doctor and hospital insurance. Instead, Bush and his allies had crafted a program that relied exclusively on private insurers to deliver the benefits, while preventing the government from using its purchasing power to reduce prices. Part D was also pure deficit spending: Neither the Bush Administration nor its congressional allies made even a pretense of trying to pay for it with revenue or offsetting cuts. Note the contrast with the Affordable Care Act—which, according to the Congressional Budget Office, is actually reducing the deficit. newrepublic/article/113711/republicans-pro-sports-leagues-stay-away-obamacare#
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 00:34:36 +0000

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