It is just a white man who will jump in front of his woman to save - TopicsExpress


It is just a white man who will jump in front of his woman to save her from being killed by kaffirs in a speeding car. You will never see non-whites dying to save a loved one. -- A white couple was the victim of a savage hate crime/thrill kill attack in front of a grocery store in Columbus, Ohio. The husband was killed, and the wife had her legs mutilated. The couple had a sixteen year old son with them, who was not injured. A black female became enraged that Kristina Petree, a white female, asked her to slow down at a crosswalk in the parking lot of Krogers grocery store. The black female driver allegedly grabbed Kristina’s arm threw the car window while telling her boyfriend to attack the woman over her cell phone. The boyfriend, who was nearby in another car, stalked the woman for several minutes. Then he came speeding at her going 60 miles per hour. The woman’s husband jumped in front of her. The car slammed into them and as well as two other parked cars, crushing both victims. As the victims laid on the ground mutilated and dying, the driver allegedly taunted them with insults. The driver was apprehended and handcuffed by a Kroger security guard. The driver has been charged with murder. He is now claiming that the deceased male victim, who had a holstered concealed handgun, was getting ready to murder the female driver. He says he saved her life by slamming into the victims at 60 mph. The Columbus Dispatch, known for its radical left-wing bias, actually ran an article suggesting that the suspects claim could be credible. Jason Barry, the common law husband of Kristina Petree was horrifically killed. Katrina Petree says her husband’s concealed handgun was never removed from its holster at any time. Racially motivated attacks on white people have been commonplace in Columbus, Ohio since at least the 1980s. The staff of this website feels strongly that the couple was targeted for murder because they are white. The “mainstream” media would be calling this a “racially motivated hate crime” if the races were reversed. This incident has received very little coverage in the local media. Even then, many of these local reports are blatantly downplaying the horrific crime as a “hit and run” or a “parking lot crash.” For the media to call it a “hit and run” is an insult to the victims and deliberate attempt to hide what really happened. Most media reports are censoring the all details about the injuries and any mention of the race of the suspects and the victims. If the races had been reversed, this would be the single biggest news story in the United States! Instead it is being downplayed and quarantined to local coverage only. From Channel 6… “He didn’t care to see my husband laying there dead,” Kristina Petree says in a video captured by relatives visiting her in the hospital. “He was talking about him, taunting me as I was laying there with my body parts separated from my body and my bones protruding from me. He thought he was the one wrongly victimized.” Petree has been in the hospital since the incident, which occurred Friday in West Columbus. Doctors are considering removing one of her legs. “My ribs are bruised, my head is bruised and my leg is ruined because of someone being asked to slow down in a crosswalk,” Petree says in the video. According to Petree’s sister, Fonda Hill, Petree and her common law husband Jason Barry, 34, were in the crosswalk when a speeding driver cut them off. “She was walking through the crosswalk. She said someone sped through. She said, ‘What’s the hurry? Slow down,’” Hill said. That is when the speeder’s boyfriend got involved, according to police reports. Petree told her sister the speeder grabbed Petree’s sleeve through the window while she called her boyfriend, telling him to hit her. Petree says in the video that the man pinned them against two cars at 60 miles per hour. “We were trying to load our groceries in the car and he kept circling the parking lot like some kind of disgusting shark looking for blood,” Petree said. Barry had reportedly jumped in front of Petree to protect her. He died from those injuries. topconservativenews/2013/11/one-dead-one-crippled-after-savage-racial-hate-crime-attack-on-couple-in-columbus-ohio/
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 01:40:49 +0000

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