It never rains but it positively pours major sci-tech news these - TopicsExpress


It never rains but it positively pours major sci-tech news these days. Buettner believes genetic interventions could someday help slow the aging process—but that remains far in the future, he said. For now each of us must live with the genes weve been dealt, which means those hoping to live longer should look at their lifestyles. What we know now is that the average American could probably add about ten years of life expectancy and slow the biological clock, he said. Eating better, and less, is a big part of the equation, he added. Other aspects are physical activity and mental focus—Buettner believes that people with a strong sense of purpose in their lives can live about seven years longer than those who dont have one. To take advantage of any possible future genetic interventions, Buettner said, your best strategy right now is to optimize your lifestyle.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 01:31:16 +0000

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