Its become apparent that we may need to discuss what exactly a BOB - TopicsExpress


Its become apparent that we may need to discuss what exactly a BOB (Bug Out Bag) and an EDC (Every Day Carry) is meant to be and what might be in it. *An EDC is just a very small (maybe the size of a cigarette pack) kit meant to assist in an immediate emergency situation in order for you to get to your home, car, or at least to your BOB. It should contain a way to signal for help (a whistle or reflective item), a multi-tool (a small folding knife with other tools all combined into one tool), a way to make fire (matches and lighters qualify), and any items that would assist you in getting to where your going according to the time of year and weather where you live. (Keep in mind: Your EDC contents may need to be updated/change if you travel outside of your area and the climate is different.) General items to keep in mind when making your EDC would be: a few band-aids, matches/lighter, aspirin/tylenol/etc, a small piece of twine/rope, duct tape, a small pocket-sized flashlight, a reflective metalized emergency blanket (they can fold up small enough to fit in this kit), a small multi-tool, any medication you need regularly, bug spray (depending on the season/area), and whatever other small item that you may require. Just think small. This whole kit should be able to fit in your pocket/purse. It is NOT meant to sustain you for any considerable length of time. Only to assist in an immediate emergency. *A BOB is considerably larger. This is where you should have enough supplies to last you at least 3 days (according to FEMA). Personally, I think it should be able to sustain you for, at MINIMUM, a week. The BOB is what you use when staying in your home is no longer an option due to an emergency or your at work when an emergency situation strikes and you need to get home, but work a distance away from home. In this kit (which should be in a large bag/backpack so you can carry it with you), you should have extra clothing, water, food, larger knives or other tools you may need, anything that may serve you personally in your area/climate, AND everything in the EDC but in larger quantity. ***These kits are necessary for your safety and well-being in any emergency situation. If you need more examples of what you may want to have in either kit, please ask. Also, any 1st aid training you can acquire would be helpful. You may want to consider training for firearm safety, if you intend to have a firearm with you for safety during an emergency situation (you never know). ***If you dont believe you need these kits for whatever reason, consider this: If you prepare, and nothing happens, youve lost nothing. If you dont prepare, and something happens, youve lost everything. Any questions? Please dont hesitate to ask.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 04:34:10 +0000

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