Its hard to believe that my cousin whom I grew up with that: - TopicsExpress


Its hard to believe that my cousin whom I grew up with that: 1) Beat me in most of our Easter Egg Hunting Contests, 2) Used to call each other and compare notes on what Santa brought us on Christmas, 3) Played all day together on Sunday afternoons at grandmother and papaws house (often with a football or toy guns), 4) Played Paper Football when it was too dark to go outside, 5) Went out of town with our Aunt Pam on a weekend getaway to Crossville in her Mustang (for some reason she never did that again), 6) Tortured our sisters together, 7) Was the first and only person to ever give me a bloody nose when (at the direction of our grandmother), he picked me up off the floor with one hand and held me against the wall and busted me with a right haymaker ... all because he told me to stop running and jumping on him while he was laying in the floor watching TV - he wasnt kidding when he gave me the last warning, 8) Blocked for me on a trap play at MVR allowing me to score my first rushing TD in 7th Grade when we played on the same team, 9) In 8th grade, Id moved from RB to QB: our rival schools HJHS and RBJHS played the big game on our home field. My coach called a QB sneak and he tackled me at the line of scrimmage, then laughed at me from above, and didnt want to let me get up, 10) Raced our 72 Chevelles and I won by getting the jump on him which prevented him from being able to see due to the smoke (engine smoke - not tire smoke:), passed unexpectedly from this life into eternity this morning. Having lost both of his parents since last March, this truly seems unreal to our family. Im thankful to know that our time together has not ended, but rather temporarily delayed. Hed grown quite a bit in his Christian faith over the recent years and our phone conversations during this time often focused on the Lord and His Word as opposed to Santa and toys. Im thankful for all of the times that we had growing up together and for all of the fun we had. My new cover photo is from a shot I took tonight of a dvd that I last watched with him during Christmas. The dvds were created from old 8mm family films that were made when we were kids. Revelation 21:1-4
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 02:06:39 +0000

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