Its time we learn from our mistakes as Zimbabweans. Its time we - TopicsExpress


Its time we learn from our mistakes as Zimbabweans. Its time we open our eyes and realise that power does lie in our own hands. A whole year has gone by now and we are still being feed the same sanctions story . I thought the remedy for that was the look East policy,has it yielded anything? Have the services to our people improved ? If not,why arent plans in place to rectify it? A whole year has gone by and Zanu PF hasnt changed anything. Conditions are deteriorating further. Some keep telling the lie,things are better but we cant see it. Unemployment continues to rise as companies close still. Our infrastructure is outdated,our institutions leave a lot to be desired. Corruption is at its worst and instead of moving forward in terms of development,we have regressed. As for the MDC,you dont have to be in government to help and inspire the people. And besides the MDC had its stint in government,what was achieved ? The politicians found in PF and in the MDCs are cut from the same cloth,just on opposite sides. They dont have the povhos interest at heart. Its now time for a new breed of politicians,visionary politicians. Politicians who accept the fact that we indeed live in a global village but we must never lose ourselves,our identity,our sovereignty. lts time for a transparent breed of politicians, accountable politicians,politicians vanobva mu povho not the bourgeoisie type of politicians we currently have. lts time for our own generation to pave its own path just like the generation who took up arms against white rule. Frantz Fanon said Each generation must,out of relative obscurity,discover its mission,fulfill it or betray it . Its time we overcome polarization politically and in tribal terms. The type of politicians we need to steer Zimbabwe into becoming an innovative leader not only in Africa but globally can be found in the ADP, the African Democratic Party under the leadership of Marcellina Chikasha. A fierce lady whose exceptional leadership skills have earned her the title of the iron lady. ADP,a visionary party with a developmental agenda that will see the creation of millions of jobs that will immediately take millions our people out of the digestive bowels of poverty. Whether you currently support PF,the MDCs or any other party,we can all agree that the current politicians have failed us. lts time we all try something new. Something untainted by corruption or bloodshed. To the corrupt politicians,your days are numbered. To our people,the downtrodden,the exploited,the hungry,the homeless,the unemployed,those who go for weeks without electricity and water,those who havent been paid their salaries for years now;your prayers have been answered. Spread the message,tell everyone. The ADP is here. #ADP #thedawnofanewzimbabwe
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 10:33:53 +0000

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