Ive been going through old journals and writings today. Came - TopicsExpress


Ive been going through old journals and writings today. Came across this one from 2004 when my baby boy was not quite 4 years old. I can still picture his sweaty little chubby fist thrusting forward clumps of who knows what with as many roots intact as he could muster. Heres what I wrote about it.... May. April showers bring May flowers. Thats what they say. In Oklahoma, and most places Id venture to guess, those flowers are accompanied by (and may indeed actually be) weeds. You see, the problem with weeds and flowers is that the distinction is lost on those who are still enraptured by all things blooming. This usually includes back to the earthers, older people who have fond childhood country memories of gathering these weeds to make bouquets for Sunday supper, and children. Every mother has surely experienced a small, chubby, dimpled fist thrusting such treasures as dandelions, Queen Annes lace, and Shepherds purse into her hands. The dilemma for some then is the proverbial these are just weeds versus the oohing and aahing and putting them in water to admire and sneeze at for as many days as they stay alive. I recently have been met with yet another option. My youngest and my only son loves to pick things for me. We tend our herb garden together with some help from his three older sisters. One of his favorite parts is planting. So, of course, when he picks treasures for me (we can call them wildflowers), he always makes sure to include the roots. That way I can replant them in my garden, you see. I could, of course, dismiss his efforts and teach him more about what we plant and what we dont. Actually, what we dont plant, some folks go so far as to annihilate. Im just not comfortable with shaping his mind in this direction. How can one blooming beauty have so much more value than another? Why cant everyone see the beauty in wildflowers? I choose to trust my young son and admire his efforts. Dandelions really are fascinating and pretty. The leaves make great tea and good salad. So I say lets follow the lead of an enraptured soul rather than the lead of one hellbent on annihilation.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 01:44:41 +0000

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