Ive been in this group for a month now and I still havent told my - TopicsExpress


Ive been in this group for a month now and I still havent told my ITP story so I decided to take the time and tell you about my journey with ITP. I was 12 when I was diagnosed with ITP. The day I found out, was the same day as my first period, and the amount of blood I bleed that day was horrific. My mom rushed me to the Emergency Room when she got home from work because I had literally stayed in bed all day, unsure as to why I was bleeding excessively; when I stood up to change my pad, which I must of done two dozen times in a matter of 8 hours, blood would run down my leg. It was horrible. Upon being admitted to the hospital, blood was drawn and when the results came back, it showed that I had Ik platelets. It was then when the Hemo doctor came in (he is known worldwide as one of the best Hemo doctors) and he diagnosed me with ITP. I stayed in the ICU for three days and I was given IVIG once a day. My platelets increased a bit and I was sent home, with an appointment to see the Hemo doctor that treated me at the hospital in his clinic where he treated his outpatient clients, which were all children from the age of 1 through 18. So, I went home and rested because I felt drained and very confused about being diagnosed with such a rare disease, all new information was being thrown at me about what life with ITP is like and I was overwhelmed. Eventually, the day of my check up with the doctor came and when I went it and got my blood drawn, my platelets had dropped to 2k and then I was rushed back into the hospital, back into the ICU. I was given more IVIG and was monitored carefully. Prior to all of this, I had purchased two tickets for a Jonas Brothers concert because I was a fanatic and adored the three boys so much, needless to say I was devastated when I was stuck in the hospital on the eve of the concert. Thankfully, I convinced the doctor to let me go to the concert, despite my platelets being at 18k. I enjoyed the concert but was admitted back into the hospital for a few more days. When my platelets reached an acceptable level, I was discharged and went back home. I had to go into the Hemo doctors clinic once every two weeks to get blood drawn. He prescribed prednisone and that was the treatment I received for a few months. I gained a disgusting amount of weight that completely destroyed my self image. I spiraled into a dark time in my life, into a depression, but I kept it well hidden from my mom and family because I didnt want to concern them with any more worries. Eventually, I was taken off the prednisone because it didnt help increase my platelets, it only kept them at a stable 50-60 k. At this time, I had started to self harm myself by cutting into my skin. Now that I look back at the time, I wonder how I didnt bleed to death when I was self harming because the cuts were pretty deep and I thank my lucky stars that I eventually stopped, after two years of cutting every day. During those two years, I was given Winrho in hopes that my platelets could increase. During my first treatment with Winrho, I suddenly turned purple and started to shiver uncontrollably, they yanked the IV off me and I wasnt able to finish the treatment but it had done its intended job, it increased my platelets. Its been a few years and my platelets have been stable, 120-150k. The Hemo Doctors appointment have been less frequent and I live a normal life. I was diagnosed with manic depression and put on medication to help me cope with my depression and suicidal thoughts. I still have a weight problem and a somewhat low self esteem, but thankfully, I have stopped cutting. Ive been almost 4 years clean from self harming and that is a big achievement for me. Sadly, I wasnt able to perform P.E with the rest of the kids during middle school or high school. I would sit out from potentially harmful activities. Im still very careful about bumping myself on things, especially getting hit on the head, thats a big NONO for anyone with ITP. Im now a senior, Im graduating early with honor roll and I plan to live a healthy life, with chronic ITP, if God allows for me to do so. Im just a regular gal, who happens to have a not so regular blood disease, but ITP AND depression wont stop me from achieving my dreams. Have a lovely day. :-)
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 21:11:12 +0000

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