Ive been receiving a lot of questions about how quickly or slowly - TopicsExpress


Ive been receiving a lot of questions about how quickly or slowly this period is going to be. And a few asking how hard or challenging I think it will be. It all depends on your perspective and on how often you use the word hard to describe your life. Do you think everything takes a lot of effort, that it is always a struggle, or youre always facing impossible challenges? Then thats what youll get, situations that require effort, struggles, and challenges that you can barely overcome. The universe responds according to our energy. And if we think everything is hard then we arent empowering ourselves with anything that is going to flow with grace and ease. I read this in an article I wrote a few years ago, just after I had read the book Eat, Pray, Love. I found the scene described below so relevant. It reminded me of the period in my life when every night, before going to bed, Id let God know just how unhappy I was and ask to be taken home. Then I would wake up every morning and say darn it, Im still here. Im not sure what I was going to do if I left but at the time, it seemed to be my best and only alternative. A lot has changed since then. In the movie Eat, Pray, Love there is a scene where Elizabeth cannot sleep as she realizes her marriage is over and she desperately cries out to God to tell her what to do. She begs and pleads, apologizes for not listening, promises to do better and waits for her answer. After a while she hears a small voice say Go back to bed Elizabeth. This is what we are hearing now, as we plead for mercy, look within, release yourself, create new perspectives, find your power. Not what we want to hear when were drowning in our misery. So often we throw down the misery gauntlet and then look to God and say See, here I am in my misery. Am I miserable enough yet? Are you going to help me now? And we get nothing in reply. Because its not about being miserable enough, its about raising our vibes enough to create joy. What is blocking us from being joy-ful in each moment? Were not going to find it in the hoped-for rescue. Were going to find it right where we are. The question we need to ask ourselves is What are we doing to create it? What kind of misery gauntlet are you throwing down and how long are you waiting for the Universe to come to your rescue. I have tried that a few times, it doesnt work. But once I got over myself, I realized that if anything was going to change, I would have to change it in me first, and I did. Then I created my free, all-expense paid trip to France, that I was paid to go on, and everything changed... It was truly a miracle moment. Could you use a miracle right now? Its only a slight shift away from where you are right now.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 03:26:41 +0000

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