Ive been restless... ALL HOURS OF THE MORNING... Ive been - TopicsExpress


Ive been restless... ALL HOURS OF THE MORNING... Ive been thinking... Broken people LOVE to entertain a broken spirit... WHY? Because MISERY LOVES COMPANY Thats WHY? Isnt that what weve learned? And not everyone would be so bold as to declare that they are miserable in certain areas of their lives - in fact - most people are LIARS. Most people kid others into thinking that theyve never had a fault or a flaw or a struggle... In fact, theyre absolutely perfect - without a spot or blemish - believe that if you will. But I come this morning to STAND AGAINST EVERY TRAP, EVERY NEGATIVE THOUGHT, WORD, & DEED THAT THE ENEMY HIMSELF is consistently throwing in our paths, in our minds, in our hearts and in our spirits. In Jesus Name. I come to testify as a living witness that LIFE IS NOT PERFECT, LIFE WILL NOT BE PERFECT, I WILL NOT BE PERFECT, NEITHER WILL YOU BE PERFECT - BUT THERE IS ONE THING THAT STANDS IN BETWEEN IMPERFECTION & SALVATION - AND THAT IS JESUS CHRIST. AMEN! AND AMEN THAT SALVATION ISNT LEFT TO YOU.... And so Im NOT going to shut up about GODS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for US just because I FALL *HARD AGAINST THE FLOOR*... Im NOT going to denounce JESUS CHRIST AS LORD OF MY LIFE JUST BECAUSE I dont have it ALL RIGHT.... IM NOT going to stop trying to improve WHO I AM AS A WOMAN OF GOD JUST because alot of people in the church, out the church, and around the church are WRECKLESS, LOOSE & RATCHET... NONE OF YALL SPEAK FOR ME... Im NOT going to stop praying - In FACT, Im going TO ASK GOD TO HELP ME WORK THROUGH THESE PASSING STORMS BECAUSE NOTHING AS WE KNOW LASTS FOREVER. IM ENCOURAGING MYSELF BECAUSE IM NOT GOING TO WAIT FOR ANYONE ELSE TO. This morning I pray for SALVATION for EVERYONE WHO IS CONNECTED TO ME - OR NOT CONNECTED TO ME - WERE GOING TO DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY. Its okay to have drama - at times - I have some - but I WILL NOT STAY CONNECTED WITH ANYONE WHO CANNOT LIFT ME UP IN PRAYER. CANT DO IT.... CANT DO IT ANYMORE...IM NOT ABOUT CLICKS. ESPECIALLY IF AINT CLICKING WITH THE GOSPEL. WRONG ANSWER. God LOVES us so much that HE GAVE US HIS SON JESUS CHRIST AS A GIFT UNTO SALVATION. John 3:16 says: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Amen. ACCEPT HIM INTO YOUR LIFE TODAY. IN JESUS NAME I PRAY. AMEN. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 15:11:49 +0000

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