Ive finally learnt the great virtue of patience over the last two - TopicsExpress


Ive finally learnt the great virtue of patience over the last two months. My impatience has hampered my success in boxing and caused me unnecessary stress during my life. Injuries and conditioning are a frustrating part of training that we need to be patient with. The harder and longer we train, the more we put ourself at risk from little niggles and we must understand that our body takes time to adapt to the stresses we put it under. This is footage of me training today. Its my first real test for my shoulder, since my 2nd cortisone injection I had last Thursday. Things are looking good and my shoulder is feeling good. Time to build up some strength in it again. I have finally learnt to let go and not to try and rush my recovery. This doesnt mean I dont want it to heal quick. But through my own experiences. Its going to be ready when its ready. I was a lot more prepared for my 2nd comeback this time, but my body still wasnt conditioned enough to handle body shots. In all my fights and training In the uk Id never once been hurt with a body shot. This fight I was going to lose because of my lack of conditioning in the body. I didnt get off to the best start. A head butt from my opponent andy in the first round on my forehead opened up to a large cut. Luckily the blood was coming down my nose, so not straight into my eyes. I think everybody was a little bit shocked from the gym that hadnt been to professional boxing before, I know theres a few that have been put off for life. Kate had never seen me fight before, so I could only imagine she would have been a little shocked. Everybody that was there said she handled it pretty well. I had spoken to Kate on the day of my fight and told her no matter what happened when I was in there, not to worry as I would be ok. Hopefully this helped her over the fight. I heading back to the corner after the 1st round, and the guys did their best to stop the bleeding but it just kept coming. I picked up another cut in the second round high on the head. I have really good mental toughness, so nothing bothers me when Im fighting, Ive got a job to do and I just keep going. I started to come back into the fight in the 3rd round, winning the round. In the middle of the forth I was taken over to see the doctor by the referee and the doctor said she would give me until the end of the round then have to stop it as the blood was getting worse and starting to go into my eye. I went after him with all my might. They let me go on into the 5th because of my performance in the 4th round, I was coming back! One mistake I was doing back then was after I had thrown my combination (arm shots back then) I would still be straight in front of my opponent for when he came back at me. So andy lined me up for some beautiful body shots in the 5. He let me throw my combination then boom, he crippled me with a devastating shot to the body. I creased over a little and he attacked with more head shots and the referee stepped in to stop it. Everything happens for a reason.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 06:18:16 +0000

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