I’m often asked by aspiring models what they need to do to be - TopicsExpress


I’m often asked by aspiring models what they need to do to be successful in the industry. And while there’s no set path that works for every person, there are some basic things that will help you along the way. Here are six tips for aspiring models. 1. The biggest mistake that aspiring models make is not doing the research beforehand. So before you make any move — whether that’s working with a photographer, or signing with an agency, do your research first. 2. Once you do the research, the next step is to always be prepared. Some models choose to take classes, — which may help — but are not always needed. Just make sure that you study before every encounter, whether it be an interview or a photo shoot. Spend ample time studying photographs that depict interesting facial expression and poses. Most importantly practice in front of a full length mirror. Remember, body angles are essential for an interesting photo. 3. Next thing is developing a quality portfolio. So determine the style of modeling that you are pursuing and make sure that your portfolio represents that in a perfect way. Oftentimes, that will speak on your behalf before you ever get a chance to, so you have to make sure that it’s right. More times than less, you won’t even be afforded the opportunity of an interview. If your portfolio doesn’t do you justice you won’t be receiving a call back. 4. An all-important tip is to always be yourself. One thing that will draw people into your work is authenticity. While it’s important to study the greats, it is that much more important to find your visual voice, and stay true to it. 5. In line with being yourself on camera, you also have to present a great personality. People want to hire models that they genuinely like being around. A winning smile and a nice disposition will likely be remembered and looked upon favorably. Always stay humble and treat people as you would like to be treated. Keep in mind that you may reach the top by walking on the backs of others. But when you fall, don’t expect to be picked up if no one respects you. 6. And lastly, always be professional, reliable, and punctual. If you can’t make it to a photo shoot at the scheduled time don’t expect a referral. Steven Michael Hardy
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 01:08:09 +0000

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