I’ve F’N had it Over the last week, I have watched from the - TopicsExpress


I’ve F’N had it Over the last week, I have watched from the sidelines, as a male veteran, completely dressed down, degraded, demeaned, and tried to systematically destroy a female veteran’s life. I don’t really understand what the Male veteran thought he would gain by thrashing her on uniform regulations, because she was wearing a camouflage blouse, and matching trousers. The irony of the whole situation, is that the blouse had no name tapes, patches, or ranks, so it wasn’t even able to be considered a uniform. But God forbid a female ware his beloved uniform, which so many men have died for. Are you kidding me? How petty can a person be? After she mentioned that she was a veteran, the conversation should have been over; But no, that when his petty pride kicked in, and he had to defend all of the attacks he had thrown out, because she wasn’t veteran enough. He started to attack her personally, in private messages. He constantly berated her on uniform regulations, that he held so near and dear to his heart, constantly referring to AR 670.1. Obviously, no one has ever seen a veteran, with long hair wearing camouflage before. She wasn’t even wearing a cover, or boots, and this must have enraged him further, because he decided to call her out on her un-sat hair, and other things he claimed were un-sat. He must be some kind of animal rights activist, because the fact that she was wearing camouflage to hunt, was just too much for him to bear. After a quite lengthy battle in private messages, and him not being able to admit his mistake, and clear up the damage, the conversation had reached its inevitable climax, with a rather colorful metaphor. She had reached her wits end, and had enough of the not so friendly banter, so in an attempt to get him to leave her alone she told him to “go suck start a shotgun.” That’s when he found his weapon. He immediately made a nice picture, with her Photo, and some words, saying something to the effect of this girl told a veteran to go suck start a shotgun. From there he delivered this to many military pages, and veterans’ pages, and let the fire spread. From that moment you would figure it would run its course, and in a couple of days, it would go away; but no! that veteran decided to make it his personal mission to take the whole thing outside of the internet, and start having friends call her family, her work, and simply destroy any fleeting glimpse of safety she might possess. That’s when things started to really fester, and her picture started popping up all over, and pages were posting her wedding photos, and other not so public images, with the words like, (insert derogatory reference to a woman here) told combat veteran with PTSD to go suck start a shot gun! If she had told him to go suck start any other body part, it would have all been over, but the clamoring masses who think he is a combat veteran with PTSD decided to turn her into a pariah. Now after watching all of this, we find out that he never stepped foot on a battle field, and he claims himself the be the be all end all authority on what a veteran should be, or how they should dress, and if you don’t do as he says, he is going to find a way to destroy you, just because you are a female who disrespected his uniform. Well mister uniform authority, If there is one thing I learned from the Marines; it’s that the very second you graduate boot camp, and they tell you dismissed, you are a Marine and a veteran. She graduated ARMY basic training, and was a correctional officer in the United States ARMY. That makes her a veteran, and in my eyes, that grants her a certain amount of respect, and should have told you to shut you F’N Pie hole! What because she got discharged with a busted foot before her contract up, it doesn’t make her a veteran? Or was it because she is a woman. Is that what caused you so much pain that you had to take her wearing of camouflage clothes, to such extremes? I have sat back for many years, and been completely silent on most internet squabbles. I have enjoyed some, because they are rather humorous. I spend most of my time helping other veterans with VA disability claims, and reading research on Gulf War illness. I am a member on quite a few veterans’ issues groups, and I advocate for many issues that have to do with helping disabled veteran. So when I see a veteran character being utterly attacked, and systematically destroyed, I take it personally. I even take it more personally, when I see it being done by a veteran, and his non veteran friends. I am a Marine, and I was awarded with a Combat action ribbon. You have people showing you sympathy, because you have allowed them to believe you are a Traumatized war veteran, who was so bitterly attacked by a girl who doesn’t understand the stress in your life. I am a War veteran, I suffer from PTSD myself, and have for the last 25 years, so don’t even try to claim traumatized veteran status, you don’t rate!!! What you should do is stop attacking the female veteran you have tried to destroy, and go around and get the derogatory shit you have claimed, she did from defaming her further. If I was her, I would sue the shit out of you for defamation of character, slander, cyber bullying, and un-Godly emotional trauma, because you have taken it upon yourself to take your butthurt beyond the confines of Facebook, and to her family, employer, and friends. I am sure she would be able to find a great lawyer, which would destroy you. But I digress, because someone like you, who finds beating up on other veterans enjoyable, does it because you have nothing to lose. The sad part, is you drug other veterans into the bear-pit, to gang up on her. I probably wouldn’t have said or done anything, if you hadn’t taken it upon yourself to attack me in private messages. The only reason I said anything in the first place, was because I saw a veteran being wrongly attacked. Then your message popped up on my Facebook account, trying to cuss me down, for defending her. Everyone thought I had a crush on her, but I am an old man, and an old school Marine. I didn’t tell anyone, till now, that you fronted me off in private messages. That was your mistake. You should have done what I told you, and just fixed the damage you caused, but no, your pride won’t let you. So hear is a message to all the friends of yours, who decided to attack me in private messages. He attacked me first, and I’m a Marine, end of story! Semper Fi
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 09:30:12 +0000

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