JAI SHRI MY LITTLE KRISHNA ஆண்டாள் - TopicsExpress


JAI SHRI MY LITTLE KRISHNA ஆண்டாள் திருவடிகளே சரணம் JAI SHRI RADHE KRISHNA Human life is the divine boon bestowed on us by Lord Shri Krishna.To utilize this human form fruitfully, one must surrender himself wholly at the Lotus feet of Lord Shri Krishna, performing the day to day duties to attain Him and doing non-stop chanting of the Supreme. Lord Sri Krishna being Karunasagara (ocean of mercy) wants all living beings in the universe to happy and joyful only.For the above purpose and to destroy the evils, He Himself descended on this earth in the Dwapara Yuga, Avaani month, Rohini Star (nakshatra) at Mathura.He was, is and will be there forever. Year after year Krishnajanmastami is celebrated with great pomp and pleasure everywhere.But the true sense of celebrating krishnajanmaastami should be an intense desire to see Him, feel Him and to experience His divine grace only by doing so, one can experience the eternal supreme bliss. One should have an unconditional and strong faith in the preachings of the Sathguru and should do nonstop chanting , only by doing so , one can experience the presence of God.Not an iota of doubt is there in the above statement. People should not have an unnecessary doubt saying that in this treacherous kaliyuga whether one can experience His supreme presence? Since this Kaliyuga is all the more barbaric and treacherous as compared to the other yugas, Lords Mercy is also the most now.In fact Lord Sri Krishna showers extra special attention and grace on those who trust him wholeheartedly and unconditionally in this kaliyuga. The following few examples prove that so many bhaktas attained the Lord in this wild Kaliyuga :- The only female Azhwar amongst the 12 Azhwars, i.e Bhakthai Andal realized her dream of getting married to Lord Krishna. The princess Meera became one with Lord Dwarkanath. Devotee Janabai enjoyed the bliss of Raasaleela with Lord Panduranga. Devotee Sakhubai bound Lord Krishna with her love and bhakti. Jayadevar witness Raasaleela Of Lord Krishna in the true form as it is. Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu transformed himself as a Gopi, enjoyed and experienced Lord Krishna. Periazhwar transformed himself as Yashoda Maata and relived the divine childhood of Lord Krishna. Narsing Mehta was bestowed with wealth and fortune by Lord Shri Krishna. There are many such examples like the above for narrating which even several births (jenmas) will not be sufficient. Lord Shri Krishna who has showered his blessings on so many bhaktas is waiting to shower his love and affection on us also.There is no doubt about it.All that we need to do is to have a bit of intense desire to see him and to experience him.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:09:44 +0000

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