JAN HERE.... my sister in Christ JESUS ..... Donna Olikala sent - TopicsExpress


JAN HERE.... my sister in Christ JESUS ..... Donna Olikala sent me and PAT a messgae saying she had noticed how well PAT and I work together as a ministry team and I just wanted to share here that it took some work on both of our parts to get to the place we are at now. First of all I want to share that some misconceptions that still stand between men and women had to be dealt with inside of us both. Satan has lied to men and women since the day he tricked them in the garden of EDEN..... both ADAM and EVE left that garden with offences between them and People of God we inherited there those hurts and offences between men and women and only a proper understanding of what JESUS did at the cross will get couples back to the place they had with each other in that garden of Eden before they both sinned. We spend so much time studying sin between men and women and far less time studying what Adam and Eve had with each other before the both sinned and they both failed. Now Pat and I had to work at some things and desire to have what Adam and Eve had with each other before they both blew it...... when studying what they both had before they both blew lets see what they didnt have with each other before they both blew it..... lets eliminate the words compotishion and domination and insecurity just to start with..... there was NO BOSS BETWEEN THE TWO OF THEM..... ADAM AND EVE WERE BOTH EQUELY SUBMITTED TO GOD AND THEY SHARED TOTALY EQUALITY WITH EACH OTHER PRIOR THE OFFENCES BETWEEN THEM AFTER THEY BOTH FAILED GOD....... might I add one was not more guilty than than the other and God didnt say to either one of them one of you has tresspassed against me more than the other but lets look at how they both played the blame game..... Adam blames EVE for his failure and even goes as far to say God this woman that you gave me she did it..... As if God was going to except that verdict..... Now who does Eve blame? She blames the devil , the snake ..... but Eve was not forced by the serpent to do a thing was she. No she was not but God saw the blame game any way and to this day men and women are still doing this to each other..... ok how is this cycle broken..... first refuse to play the blame game secondly its very profitable to study what ADAM AND EVE HAD WITH EACH OTHER BEFORE THE BLAME GAME STARED AND GET IT BACK!!!!!! This will take some real effort from both men and women to ignore the politics in the church get past what others call a good marriage and study the word instead. At the cross of JESUS THERE HE MADE PROVISION FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN TO HAVE WITH EACH OTHER WHAT THEY HAD ORIGANLY STARTED WITH IN THE FIRST PLACE.... JESUS SHOWED BY EXAMPLE HOW TO GET THAT BACK. PAT AND I will both give some in depth teachings on slaying some sterio typical ways that both men and women think about each others roles and see why many times allot of run into trouble in our marriages..... if you decide to attend our classes be prepared to feel a little challenged and possibly a little uncomfortable because sterio type roles are not always easy to let go of.... my husband has had to stand up to both men and women concerning the free liberty he gives me to be on a total equel level with him.... and guess what... PAT doesnt feel I am stealing his authority he knows I am sharing his authority not usurping auithority over hime but walking in authority with him and that gives us both as ministry partners an great increase in the anointing as equel heirs together of the grace of God and we are now iron that sharpens iron.... in other words PAT teaches me many things and in return I teach him also many things and this means there has to be mutual respect and a submission one to another. We will both teach and expound further together as a ministry team and teach others. PAT and I still have to work at our marriage and watch for those little foxes that want to spoil the vine. Pat and I WILL ANOUNCE WHEN WE WILL GIVE SOME MARRIAGE CLASSES AND EXPECT YOUR MARRIAGE NEVER TO BE THE SAME AGAIN IF YOU COME WITH EXPECTATION YOU WILL GRADUATE WITH A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF MARRIAGE.... BUT BY ALL MEANS SINGLE MEN AND WOMEN WILL ALSO BE INVITED.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 13:21:01 +0000

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