Jacobs Chapel A M E 3 minutes ago VISION 2013: To Know God and - TopicsExpress


Jacobs Chapel A M E 3 minutes ago VISION 2013: To Know God and to Make Him Known TITLE: Learning to Live in Abundance DATE: October 20 2013 SONGS: I Am So Satisfied; Standing On The Promises TEXT: Psalm 89:15; John10:10;1 Peter 1:3; 1 Tim 1:14-1; Isa. 55:7; Eph.3:20; Phil.1:26 Aim: to teach the importance of God’s Promises to obtain a abundant life. Many years ago, through my pastor mentor James Benson, I learned one of the most incredible verses in the entire Bible that help to transform for my life. He use to say that we are, “Living beneath our privilege”...........“My people are destroy for lack of knowledge”. “You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free.”But this verse is the one that help to shape my life. “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). What is Abundance ? The United States Constitution guarantees people the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” While the framers of the Constitution understood they could guarantee the American citizenry certain civil liberties and freedom from oppression, they understood they could not guarantee happiness. They could only seek to guarantee one’s right to “pursue” it. Today let us take a walk with Jesus as he leads us on the path to a Abuntant Life. Not only to pursue it but to possess it. Let us first Look briefly at the word Abundance. It is derived from the Greek word Perissos which means: More than enough Exceeding expectations, anticipations and limitations All around Excess Being beyond what is required or sufficient, more than is needed or desired, Extra. Now think about this definition and apply it to every aspect of your life and you will see the mind of our God towards you and I.... .... All around Excess. All around Success. What about Prosperity? What does it mean? The word Prosperity comes from the root word prosper and the Greek word for this is euodoo which means to have a successful journey through life to be on the right path that leads to good fortune There are many attempts to limit Abundance and Prosperity to our pocket books and bank accounts. But God does not limit Abundance and Prosperity to merely our finances ..... Listen carefully to what God has said concerning you and I: 3 John 2 Beloved, I wish above all things,that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth. Above every other promise, above every other purpose and intention that God has for our lives, he says that he wishes above all that we prosper . God wants prosperity for us, so much so, that he has placed it as the number one priority on his Wish List Not just our souls which means not just our spiritual man, but everything that we touch! Every thought that enters our mind, he wants the result to exceed everyones expectations. He wants good fortune for us and a successful journey throughout all our endeavors. And yes...health for our physical bodies as well. And where is that? ...... AT THE TOP OF HIS WISH LIST Principles_____________________________ Promises______________________________ Power ______________________________ Provision______________________________ What are the Promises of God? Imagine stumbling over a treasure chest buried in the ground. You open it. It’s full of gold coins. Millions and millions of dollars’ worth. That’s a perfect picture of the Bible. The Bible is like a treasure chest. But instead of gold coins, it’s full of something infinitely better — the promises of God. But sadly, too many Christians don’t know God’s promises. It’s like God gives us a treasure chest full of gold coins – but we leave it closed. We don’t know what’s in it. We never use the coins. But God wants us to open the treasure chest and see all the riches we have in His promises. He wants us to see the riches, trust the riches, and experience the riches of His promises. But we can only do that if we know His promises. So – what are the promises of God? Here are seven categories I find helpful – HEART-SATISFACTION – God promises to satisfy me fully and forever in Jesus Christ. We all long for heart-satisfaction. We all crave joy, pleasure, and beauty. But nothing else gives us the pleasure we crave. Because the pleasure we crave can only be found in God – knowing God as He is revealed in Jesus Christ. That’s what David says in Psalm 16:11 (he’s speaking to God) – In your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. We can also see this promise in verses like Psalm 36:7-9; Psalm 63:1-2; Psalm 73:25-26; John 6:35; Philippians 3:8; 1 Peter 1:8. But there’s a problem. Our sin has cut us off from God’s presence, and we face His wrath forever. Which is why the next promise is so precious – FORGIVENESS – God promises to forgive me through faith in Christ so I can experience His heart-satisfying presence forever. We have sinned and faced God’s punishment. But on the Cross Jesus was punished in our place. So when we trust Christ as Savior, Lord, and all-satisfying Treasure – everything changes: hjhj nGod forgives all our sin — so we will not be punished by Him (1Jo 1:9; Rom 8:1). God covers all our remaining sin with Jesus’ perfect righteousness, and responds to us as if we were perfectly righteous (2 Cor 5:21). God gives us His Spirit by whom we experience His heart-satisfying presence (John 7:37-38). All of this happens by faith alone in Christ alone (Eph 2:8-9). But faith is not easy. We will be tempted to turn back to trusting other things to satisfy us. We will need to fight temptations with earnest prayer and meditation on God’s Word. So how can I be sure I will keep trusting Christ? That’s the next promise – ChorusI am so satisfied.I am so satisfied with my Savior.He means more to me than anything, anything that this worldCould ever offer.I am so satisfied.I am so satisfied with my SaviorHe means more to me than anything, Anything that this world could ever offer me.Verse IIm satisfied with the way that He cares for me.And how He makes a way when there seems to be no hope for meAnd yes Im satisfied with the joy He placed within my soulAnd how He helps me to bear my heavy load.Verse IIHes so wonderful. Hes so merciful.He looks out for me even though Im not all that I should beAnd what makes Him so very special is the fact that He gaveHis very life for me.What more, what more, what more can I say?
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 21:41:48 +0000

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