James Everett 1 hr · Edited . The LOSer organization is and - TopicsExpress


James Everett 1 hr · Edited . The LOSer organization is and has always been a parasite on the cause of our Confederacy. Mr. Manning writes….. “National SCV wrongly brags that SCV cannot be political meaning that they must not promote Southern or Confederate heritage. There is a monumental lack of moral and intellectual integrity in the way National SCV interprets their mission statement (The SCV Charge)”. “The leadership of National SCV is not mentally, morally or culturally qualified to represent the South or our Confederate Veterans UNLESS they ascent in word and actions in their lives to the full charge of Lt. Gen Lee.” Mr. Manning, I am in no way affiliated with the SCV, and I am not here to defend the SCV. What I take issue with is your conclusion in which you state…… “Right now the only organisation and fellowship that seeks to honour the view of the U.S. Founders and the Confederate States of America from it leadership is the League of the South.” Mr. Manning, as I stated earlier to you….. “Mr. Manning, I beg to differ with your final conclusion here.... The LOSrs are no more Southern Confederates than is the Union Million Man Militia. The LOSers do not even use the label Confederate, they have established a Southern Nationalist flag that is not representative of our Confederacy, they reject our ancestors’ government, and are at best borderline racists, and at worst, outright racists. The interim government for the Confederate States of America officially has rejected any affiliation with this LOSer organization led by charlatans.” Mr. Manning you responded with these words….. “The LS does not seek to re-establish the Confederacy, but to re-establish the sovereignty and independence of the Southern States or whatever States that might want to re-establish their sovereignty and independence. What those States choose to become cannot and should not be imposed upon them by a Confederate central government or anyone else. That would be a violate of Confederate principles.” I then ask you Mr. Manning…… “Mr. Manning, does the Losers group assert that our Confederacy was legally established, and that our States agreed to unite under our CSA Constitution, and further that our States were illegally invaded, and that our CSA government was never surrendered? If the answer to these questions is yes, then no government can ever legally exist our be established by our Southern States until our CSA government has been restored and then dissolved. To do otherwise is to dishonor our ancestors and to reject both history and heritage.” Mr. Manning, you then responded thusly…. “ Your view that no government can ever legally exist or be established by our Southern States until our CSA government has been restored and then dissolved is and would be psychologically abusive since the people that experienced that union are all dead and they cannot be honoured by exercising totalitarian authority over their ancestors.” And… “To say that it should be restored after it ended in a pool of Southern blood is a denial of reality. The CSA exists in our hearts but each generation should be permitted to guide its own destiny.” Now, Mr. Manning, Please allow me to ask you these two questions…. First…. Are you aware of our President Jefferson Davis’s words herein…. “A question settled by violence, or in disregard of law, must remain unsettled forever.” Second…..Mr. Manning do you believe these words to be true? Our Southern Confederacy was established legally. Mr. Manning, do you believe the invasion and subsequent 150 years of occupation to be legal, and that the issue has been legally settled? From your own words …… “it ended in a pool of Southern blood is a denial of reality.” Such is the similar view of the leadership of the LOSER organization. Mr. Michael Hill has stated in his, “Grey Book” page 134, that he agrees that to re-establish our Southern Confederacy of States is the “The dumbest thing I ever heard”. Mr. David O Jones, one of the LOSer organizations Board members wrote….. “ The Confederacy is DEAD get over it”. How on earth can you make the statement that….. ““Right now the only organisation and fellowship that seeks to honour the view of the U.S. Founders and the Confederate States of America from it leadership is the League of the South.” “The Founders’ established a Confederacy of States in 1781 under the Articles of Confederation, our Southern States sought to continue that Confederacy, yet the LOSer leadership states that it believes it not only to be the dumbest thing they ever heard to attempt to “reinstate the Confederacy”, but that we should GET OVER IT? Now Mr. Manning, to state that the LOSer organization is the only “organisation and fellowship that seeks to honour the view of the U.S. Founders and the Confederate States of America” Is quite frankly the dumbest thing I ever heard!!!! The LOSer organization from its beginnings has been a parasitic nuisance which sought to latch on to our restoration effort playing our honourable Southern Men and Women for fools. On more than one occasion since I became involved in the restoration effort, I have foolishly offered an olive branch to that parasitic organization in hopes that we might find common ground, only to have that olive branch thrown back at me. I, James Everett, WILL OFFER NO QUARTER TO THAT PARASITIC ORGANIZATION! The LOSer organization is dying like a tapeworm that has been ejected from its host, and has no more succor. . The leadership is ignorant to the very de facto governmental system to which they seek to utilize as a tool to gain their abstract end. Only someone ignorant of the facts would refer to the occupying government as a “Federal government”: One who would do such has accepted a fiction, and could not possibly hope to free itself from that which it does not understand. The occupying government is a wholly national government, operating under a national system. The LOSer organization calls for secession, rather than an end to the occupation, hence denying the fact that secession for our Southern States occurred in 1860 and 1861, dishonouring our ancestors, their work and the blood they shed as a result. The LOSer organization claims rightly that we are under occupation, and then sends the opposite message by calling for secession rather than an end to the occupation. If our States have already seceded, and all one need do is read each of our Southern Confederate States ordinances of secession to witness this undeniable FACT, then why would we need to endeavor in an act of redundancy? If we forsake the fact that we are under occupation, and have been for 150 years, then we will be considered party to the occupying governments trillions in debt, yet if we embrace the fact that we are under occupation, and have been for 150 years then we are NOT party to that debt, nor are we party to the occupiers international treaties and obligations. The LOSer parasites have ridiculed and spread false accusations concerning our restoration efforts from the time of that pathetic LOSer organizations existence. Now, Mr. Manning, to return to one specific statement that you have made herein…. “ Your view that no government can ever legally exist or be established by our Southern States until our CSA government has been restored and then dissolved is and would be psychologically abusive since the people that experienced that union are all dead and they cannot be honoured by exercising totalitarian authority over their ancestors.” Mr. Manning, to act unlawfully, and illegally, in establishing a new vague system of government utilizing the existing de facto State institutions put in place illegally by the occupiers is to act dishonourably. Following the process laid out in our Constitution established by our ancestors is NOT psychologically abusive, or in no way a totalitarian act. If you were not ignorant to our cause, then you would know that we have begun by acting solely on the CONSENT of our Southern Confederate people through the registration process, and that our goal is to simply follow, and honour our ancestors constitutional systems amendment process to return to the Founders intent trough the restoration of the Articles of Confederation for our Southern Confederate States. csagov.org/
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 08:28:30 +0000

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