Jason Hooper: A Time To Act, Occupy, and Advance Jason and Tina - TopicsExpress


Jason Hooper: A Time To Act, Occupy, and Advance Jason and Tina Hooper A Time To ACT Now is a time to ACT on the promises of God that you have been given in times past so that you may occupy your land of promise and advance in your area of calling and destiny. The cords of your captivity are about to be severed, and the catapult of your calling is about to be released to overcome opposing walls and enemy gates to occupy the city of promise that you have been pressing in and contending for, but you must not shrink back...it is a time to CROSS OVER! In May, we shared how the month of May was a month where permission was being granted (read both the first article and second article here at The Elijah List), which speaks of approval being given where desire has been recognized. Now is a time where approval is being met with advancement! But first, you must ACT and take initiative based on your promises, by faith, in the areas you have been granted permission! The act of permission being granted often begins with your personal God-given desire being recognized within your own heart and then acted upon in faith and met by the favor of God in your life. The month of May was a month to recognize these deep desires within your heart – and then for that desire to be stirred by hope and joined with faith while being met by Gods favor in a way that causes you to advance in a supernatural way, with a supernatural grace, and at a supernatural pace. It is important, however, to realize and understand when believing and contending for supernatural advancement in the place of your personal promise – conflict comes. The permission, promotion, and forward progress that many of you are pressing into, often comes with it a time and place where your current circumstances seem to contradict and, in many ways, conflict with the very thing you have been previously promised. However, this is also the case with just about every prophetic promise found in the Bible and the process to seeing these promises become reality in your life and mine. It is in this place of natural tension and even perceived resistance, that we are called to act on what we have been previously promised and to begin living like what has been promised is already a reality in our lives. In doing this, what looked like great opposition can actually become a stepping-stone, launching you deeper into your destiny, instead of the stumbling block the enemy had intended in order to trip you up, further delaying the promises of God in your life. For instance... ( The Word of The Lord Is Tested ...On June 1st of this year, I began to share a prophetic word with our Church for the month of June, titled: Enlarging The PLACE of Your Tent. In the course of doing so, and recapping a previous message titled, Gimme Yo Thomas! I began to prophesy and declare to our house, our city, our state, and our nation that a platform for The Healer had been prepared and an end-time healing ministry had already begun within Birmingham, Alabama, and we were going to begin living and ministering like it had! That evening, while playing a game of pickup basketball – I completely ruptured my Achilles tendon. Well, the word of the Lord was about to be tested! As they scooped me up and took me to Urgent Care, it was confirmed that I had ruptured the tendon. The next morning I made my way into the orthopedic surgeons office where we were met with the same prognosis: It is ruptured – you need surgery. How could this be? Hadnt we just prophesied the day before that a platform had been prepared for The Healer – and now this happens? As the surgeon began to detail the procedure to me and my wife, I asked if we could wait until next Tuesday to have the surgery. He replied that we could, but asked, Why wait? To which I replied, Well, I am a pastor and we have several healing services already scheduled for this week that I need to be present for, and I am believing for a miracle. When asked how long we had previously had these healing services scheduled, I replied About five minutes. I scheduled them in my heart as soon as you said I needed surgery. It was a test. Over the next week, and since that time, we saw more people healed and delivered in person, over the cell phone, by text message, and even in the reading of testimonies on Facebook than we had seen over the previous year. The word of the Lord was tested, and the word of the Lord had passed the test (see Psalm 105:19). Now, I would love to tell you that I was one of the ones who received my miracle and was healed during these services, but I wasnt. Instead, in my weakness and the weakness of many others, His strength was revealed and perfected as the grace of God made way for the power of the Holy Spirit to come and destroy the works of the devil in the lives of others as The Healer took His place at center stage! Pauls word to the Corinthian Church took on new meaning as I rolled around on my scooter (complete with a bugle horn and bell) praying for the healings and miracle breakthroughs of others: For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence. But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God – and righteousness and sanctification and redemption – that, as it is written, He who glories, let him glory in the Lord. (1 Corinthians 1:26-31). The really beautiful thing, however, was these were not healing services where one minister prayed for the masses (although I believe there is and has been a place for that in the creating of an atmosphere where miracles become common)...instead, it was everyone praying for everybody! Many of the healings actually took place as those in need of healing prayed for others to receive their breakthrough! I believe this is key in preparing a platform for The Healer. As the Body of Christ comes together The Healer, Himself, is coming as the Head to rest upon His Body. Ministering to others in your area of needed breakthrough is a Kingdom principle that is only going to become more real to the Body of Christ in the times to come. There is always a harvest of grace and breakthrough when you give cheerfully to others in the area of your immediate need and the area in which you have been personally promised breakthrough (see 2 Corinthians 9:6-10). It is important to remember when approaching the time line of your prophetic journey that Josephs process in the timing of his personal promise (referenced above in Psalm 105:19) and the journey to his time of prophetic fulfillment had a spiritual connection to the time line of his brothers process and destiny as well. This is a time where you are about to see in your life how the fitting together of multiple relational (both natural and spiritual) pieces necessary for personal placement within the pages of destiny have been in various places of preparation – until the entire Body comes together, mobilized in unity, and led by love with the Lord Jesus as the Head. With this mobilization, we are about to see healing and harvest centers springing up all over this nation and the nations of the world. I want to encourage you, that if you have been surrounded with sickness in your life, if disease has knocked at your door and the doors of those you love most – it could be that in the midst of the enemys attempt to discourage you – God is anointing you and positioning you for a NOW healing and miracle ministry! If this is you, I want to encourage you to embrace those opportunities and feed your Spirit with whatever things are true (according to Scripture), whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things (Philippians 4:8) and allow your heart to be flooded with hope as you begin to release healing to those around you! Make room for the Holy Spirit to come in power and He will! Faith In His Name The Lord has highlighted Acts 3:1–Acts 5:16 to be especially applicable to individual spiritual progression occurring within the hearts of many during this season. In Acts 3:1 it says, Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer... This is a NOW time where Kingdom alignment and healing brotherhoods equipped with the power of agreement are being newly commissioned in a way that will release new levels of Gods power to heal, bringing Heaven to earth in a way that will draw the attention of entire cities to the power that comes from faith in His name (see Matthew 18:18-20 and Acts 3:16). Watch and see how the Lord begins to breathe on your times of partnered prayer during this season. These times of prayer are of paramount importance in both the receiving of revelation and the directing of your attention away from what you dont have externally to what you do have internally. And fixing his eyes on him, with John, Peter said, Look at us. So he gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. Then Peter said, Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk. Acts 3:4-6 This is a time where true riches are both being recognized and received. It is in these days that the hearts of many are being re calibrated from what they thought they needed in the natural to what they were created to be in the Spirit. I Shall Not Want It is in this place of revelation that perceived need is done away with in the life of the Believer. As a prophetic father of ours often says, When the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want (see Psalm 23:1). Psalm 23, in many ways, outlines our Biblical pathway to prosperity. The Lord is unpacking this chapter today in an amazing way, providing insight, understanding, and revelation to those who turn their hearts to its truth. The understanding resident within this chapter will help many to recognize where they are and where they are headed on their individual journeys as a part of the larger Body of Christ. As we said at one of our recent services, If your cup is not overflowing – you are not sitting at His table! Attention and awareness are shifting to the reality of the Kingdom of God that is within each and every Believer (see Luke 17:20-21)! This shifting is not only required to see the now needs of others supernaturally met, but also as an evangelistic harvest tool to gain the attention of entire cities. Watch during this season for the revelation of what you carry within your heart to increase through spiritual awareness and intentional acts of thanksgiving to the point where what you have carried within, begins to rest upon and overshadow you in a new way and increased manner in this season, affecting the lives of those around you (see Acts 5:12-16). Prepare a platform for The Healer to come in your life and watch as He begins to draw others to Himself in and through you (see Acts 4:29-31)! Persistence In Praise – Making The Choice To Rejoice In the month of April, praise began to go to another level in and through the Body of Christ. This new level of praise that was entered into was not simply an outward sound or emotional expression, but instead it was the beginning of an unearthing of praise from a deeper heart place in and through the Body. As the fountains of the great deep within the Body of Christ have begun to be broken up there is coming upon multiple churches and cities, a synchronization and geographical alignment with the windows of Heaven that are beginning to simultaneously open up, causing the winds of change and the fresh smell of the coming rains of revival to be released. In the Month of May and through Fathers Day, this new level of praise was tested in the hearts of many, but the Lord is about to reward those who have been persistent in praise by visiting summer homes which began in June, and continues in the months of July and August, with the intent to establish permanent residence. However, it is up to us to embrace His presence and His power with thanksgiving during these times of visitation so that we may become His place of habitation. Revelation and Multiplication An encouragement to the Body of Christ during this prophetic time to act, occupy and advance is that we have entered into a season of personal revelation that will produce corporate multiplication with harvest impact. Oftentimes when we hear words like multiplication, we receive these words in the belief that what we have been personally given is about to increase, but this is a season where what we personally give is about to increase in an exponential way when our giving and our receiving are preceded with thanksgiving. During this season, God is going to multiply through you as well as in you, but the multiplication that is coming will be earmarked for harvest. There is a Kingdom wealth transfer that is about to take place, but obedience and thanksgiving are the keys that we have been given to see this wealth transfer released and supernatural multiplication take place. Remember, as it was in the case of the feeding of the 5,000, it was not the amount of food that the boy gave that met the great need of the people. It was his willingness to give what he had, the thanksgiving that was released in the heart of the One receiving His gift, and then the giving away of what had been given that released supernatural supply and an abundance leftover to meet the additional future needs of those who would choose to follow Him. We are about to see supernatural multiplication take place, not simply in the size of whats being given, but in the willingness and gladness of heart in which it is given. Just as Jesus said in Luke 6:38, the choices that we make today in our giving are determining the size of our harvest tomorrow. Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you. Luke 6:38 Believing Is Seeing Your eyes, like Elijahs trusted servant, are about to see what you have heard was coming; but what was seen had to be said. I encourage you to look again for the sound of His coming rain. Then it came to pass the seventh time that he said, There is a cloud, as small as a mans hand, rising out of the sea... 1 Kings 18:44 The cloud is moving, and your cloud is coming! This is a time where your vision is about to come into focus so that you may say what you see, and in that, you will see what you say! Jason Hooper
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 16:01:52 +0000

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