Jenna It was 2008 I was the Director of a Social Service - TopicsExpress


Jenna It was 2008 I was the Director of a Social Service Organization in Benton Arkansas, I had always felt on nights when I was working alone that I was not alone, it was not a bad feeling but one, that just made me feel like I was not alone but secure like a happy feeling. I had a volunteer who would bring her little girl to play with toys while she helped us and one day the little girl was playing with her toys and was carrying on a conversation with someone and just playing away.. when it was time for them to go she threw a fit and just carried on very bad crying and getting very upset that she didn’t want to leave her friend we just thought she was talking about her imaginary friend.. well a few days went by and she was playing again and again she was holding whole one sided conversations as though someone was answering back. When it came time to leave again she started to cry so I asked her why are you so upset she said I don’t want to leave my friend, I said what is your friends name she said Johnnie.. I said so it’s a boy and she said no a little girl. A few days went by and one night I was sitting at my desk working late doing paperwork and I heard a noise in our meeting room that we had made into a make shift thrift store. I knew I was all alone because I am very OCD and use to be in security so I was always careful about locked doors and making sure that there was no one in the building. So I walked down the long hallway and opened the locked door and there was nothing.. so I went back to my office, then I heard it again like a small girl giggle and a noise, so I went back down the hall and again unlocked the door there was only about 10 minutes in between these times when I opened the door I was shocked all of the clothes in the thrift store was off the racks and piled in a big heap in the middle of the room.. I was like wow.. I knew I was alone.. but I wasn’t .. A few days had passed and a volunteer of mine was working downstairs cooking dinner for some of our home bound people that we use to help. We were the only two left in the building, I felt all of a sudden something was wrong .. like a fight or flight feeling and I actually started to jump up out of my chair it felt like someone screaming in my face, next thing I know I heard the fire alarm going off downstairs, I jumped up as fast as I could with phone in hand, when I got to the bottom of the stairs I did not see any smoke I came around the corner and seen my volunteer laying in the floor with blood everywhere around her, she had a spoon in her hand and it had mashed potatoes on it, the bowl was about 20 foot away.. which I thought was weird.. I called 911 and I held compression on her head, they came and took her to the ER and she was fine.. she had a seizure but was ok.. I went back to my office and could not stop thinking of the events that happened before I found out the feeling and the alarm going off something or someone was letting me know she was hurt down there. Then about a week later the little girl was at the office again playing toys and she got upset again when it was time to leave. I said is Johnnie upset and she said no she was because she didn’t want to leave, she then said something I will never forget a 4 year old saying she said, “ Johnnie helped Jennifer carry the potatoes when she was weak” Jennifer was my volunteer that had the seizure.. it floored us she then said that “Johnnie was a Angel and she liked what we was doing there, but she was upset when we all leave her and slams doors and a monster killed her” wow I thought this little girl didn’t know anything about Jennifer or the potatoes only I knew about that. Now fast forward about two months I was a member of a paranormal group and I had the group come do an investigation there, and we got a lot of video and other proof she was actually there, she would run circles around us while we held out equipment and everytime she would come around beep beep beep.. it was amazing, she then played hide and seek with me and I would go around the room and would find the beep I would leave it there and say now you move, and the beep would stop and then I would find her again and then beep.. this was a emf detector I was using Also I will post a video below of what we found that night. But back to the story a few days later we had a meeting and there was food left over from it in our meeting room, I always let the volunteers eat what was left because didn’t want it to go to waste so we was all in there and visiting and eating when someone who is very close to me was staring at the table with the food .. I said you see her don’t you and she said yes.. she said she is a little girl and she wants to eat that food, and then she said that she is upset you keep calling her Johnnie her name is not Johnnie its Jenna, I was like OMG because I never told this young lady who was telling me this any of this.. I can not mention her name because she ask me not to.. So I was really amazed about this.. it was again confirmation about what was happening and proof about everything.. To this day I drive by there, and think of Jenna.. but she is not there anymore.. She stays with me. This is a very true story because I was there and I have experienced all of this..
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 03:26:03 +0000

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