Jesus said, If you bring forth what is within you, what you have - TopicsExpress


Jesus said, If you bring forth what is within you, what you have will save you. If you do not have that within you, what you do not have within you will kill you. Gospel of Thomas #70 I believe this saying, is speaking the Truth: You will only feel fully alive (salvation, wholeness) when you are fully expressed, and the living of an unexpressed life, is equal to a Spiritual Death... Who ever has something in hand will be given more, and whoever has nothing will be deprived of even the little that person has. G.O.T # 41 That something would be Belief, Faith, Hope or the like: Some sort of healthy quantity of personalized Spiritual Principle is needed to consciously prime or activate the Creative Process of Life. Particularly in our prayer lives! Jesus demonstrated this by always giving thanks in advance, he then prayed with Power, Faith and expectation..... Jesus said, One who knows everything but lacks oneself lacks everything. G.O.T. # 67 The Jesus of the Gospel of Thomas was seen often as a Wisdom Jesus. More cerebral, often nearly mimicking scripture, but lacking most of the spiritualized emphasis found in the canonized gospels. Yet, when reading Thomas from either a Gnostic or Greek Philosophical viewpoint one can garner more understanding and appreciation for Jesus, and the expansion of consciousness, (awareness) he stood for. As in Saying # 67, where he is saying wisdom by itself is useless, that One must also understand Ones relationship to the Father, to be in right standing and thereby right use of the Creative Powers of the Universe. So: I pray this day, for Ease, for Grace and for understanding, in my relationship with the Divine, may I be humble, open, teachable and effective this day. May each thought, word and deed serve a higher and more universal purpose, that the forever unfolding, all pervading Love that is Christ, may ind free passage through me this day! Life is good, I invite you to join me in the prayer! Amen! Let it be done!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 00:08:27 +0000

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