A rebuttal my sister wrote to some half assed wanna be journalist - TopicsExpress


A rebuttal my sister wrote to some half assed wanna be journalist who didnt bother to look up her facts before printing an article about why in her mind Christians shouldnt celebrate Christmas..... Dear Tiffany. The bible states that Jesus was born in the 8th month of the year. By Jewish calendar that is in the spring somewhere near April 15. The sun god is named Mythra who lived 1500 years before Christ! The Solstice is December 21 not the 25. You know that day where it changes from fall to winter. Around 350ish years after Christ Caesar of that time was pagan in a mostly christian nation and gave the Christians a day to celebrate their gods birth without want of offending his own, so keeping the time frame but not the day to bring the two close together in accordance with other pagan rights so the christians would feel him a benevolent ruler to all. Years later it became more so the christians taking over that time of year as they felt their due. Yes Christianity has so much pagan DNA its hard for most to tell where to splice the jeans! Your assumptions and mysiginistic meanderings prove that you Do. Not. Know. the material of which you have appointed yourself to. I applaud your efforts in trying to get people to understand that yes it is a pagan right and not a christian one but I get a sour taste in my mouth trying to pull apart the falsehoods and the fake proof that you have laced this entire article with! Who am I?? A minister thats been studying this exact history for over ten years ...the correlation of the pagan society and the Christian movements that lead to the followers of Christ to absorb in all fashions the beliefs of other cultures and ingrain them unto itself to get those followers under its banner. Our Mother Church sees and knows many things and has done much evil to forward her cause. That cant be denied. Her belief that she was trying to save souls in the minds of many make her the only right! And everyone is allowed their beliefs everyone is allowed their own version of the truth. But if you are going to delve into the mind set of our forebears and the history of the Mother Church please DO see to it that you have all the correct facts instead of assuming them. The simple fact that you know winter comes on Dec 21 but you did not bother to look up what Solstice means puts me off. Sans the great attempt you made at showing just cause , you lost a great many people with your poor attempt at research and factualless tactless renderings thrown together in a hodge podge style that doesnt become someone who by all accounts is a very bright young lady otherwise...
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 07:15:45 +0000

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