Jim Murphy MP , A horrible arrogant , smug, lying toad of a human - TopicsExpress


Jim Murphy MP , A horrible arrogant , smug, lying toad of a human being , sadly also an Irish Scot ? By Allan McDade 14 September at 22:21 · JIM MURPHY MP I am a labour voter and have been all my life, just like my father who was an active trade union man and fought for worker’s rights and battled against the inequality of conservatism and the injustices of Thatcher. All my family have voted labour. Jim Murphy is my local Labour MP, thanks to our votes. During this Independence campaign, Jim has toured Scotland on behalf of the NO campaign, as is his right, and even though I do not share his opinion, I respected his choice to campaign for what he feels is right. I had hoped he would be my Labour MP in an independent Scotland. However, what I expect of my elected MP is that they stand up for truth and honesty. This, the most important of all campaigns, has been plagued by Westminster propaganda, lies and scaremongering at a level we have never experienced before. We needed you, Jim Murphy, our elected representative to just take a moment, and say, “STOP! This is not on”. Instead, you have stood idly by as lie after lie has been put out by a corrupt Tory government, using every manipulation of the national media possible in an attempt to scare a NO vote out of the Scottish people, without a single word of complaint from the opposition parties. In fact quite the reverse! What the hell has happened to you? The White Paper for Independence was published in November of 2013. In that time it has been open to any scrutiny. At no time in the past year, has any part of it been retracted after being proven to be untrue. You may not agree with it, or share its vision for an Independent Scotland, but it is an honest statement of intent which is open to debate. I am sick and tired of seeing claim after claim being made by the NO camp splashed across every mainstream publication as it were fact, only for it to be quietly retracted after being disputed or denied by the very people attributed to making the quote. Even numerous charities, including Great Ormond Street Hospital have not been exempt, forced to speak out against yet another NO camp lie. Where were you Jim Murphy? Did you not hear? Did you not see? Why have you not highlighted the fact that when Cameron was in Scotland ‘guaranteeing’ new powers if we vote NO, his deputy in Westminster was telling English MPs not to worry; it’s merely ‘statements’? Why no mention of the protest marches in England against the privatisation of the NHS? Are you not embarrassed or ashamed? Regardless of what way you want Scotland to vote in the referendum, we actually needed you to stand up and say NO! No to the lies. No to the media manipulation. No to this type of dirty politics. Instead you have jumped into bed with the very people we voted you in to defeat, and it matters not a jot that you’ve only slept with them just this once. You have failed us. Polls would suggest that across every age bracket, there is a desire for change. A desire to have a greater say in our own future. 97% of Scots have registered to vote. That is amazing. Possibly for the first time, every one of us has realised we have a voice and can make a difference. That in my mind is what an independent Scotland offers. Yes, there are no guarantees, there are none either way, but there is a hope and a greater determination for Scotland to succeed and this is possible with Independence. Despite every single national media title backing a NO vote, the polls suggest it’s neck and neck. The internet and social media has ensured that the truth is out there. Yes or No, we have been free to read, research and decide how we should vote, away from the Westminster manipulated national media. Yet you Jim Murphy, my elected Labour MP now refer to me, a lifelong labour voter, as the ‘Nationalist Mob’ while your fellow NO campaigners have likened 50% of your fellow Scots to Nazis! Sadly, not all of us are so comfortable with the internet or social media, and rely on the traditional press for information, so it is no surprise then that the age group most vulnerable in our society, our pensioners, are likely to vote not with their head, or their heart, or even their soul, but with fear. Be it Russians invading Scotland, the shops all closing down, armed guards on the borders to stop us visiting our relatives in England, or the perfectly targeted return to 1930’s depression, you can be sure Westminster’s project fear has hit the spot somewhere. Our once strong, proud mothers and fathers are, it would appear, too scared to vote for change. It doesn’t matter that they have paid their own way all their lives, raising families in times of power cuts and the 3 day weeks, endured the destruction of Scottish industry, the illegal wars, the devaluation of our pensions, the lost savings and investments thanks to the boom or bust recklessness of the London markets, the loss of mortgage endowments and PPi insurance miss-sold by deceitful banks, the gradual deterioration of our NHS, the increase in child poverty and the return of food banks that successive Westminster governments have delivered. They deserve better. They’ve earned the right to decide, free of the scare stories, the lies and the manipulation. Ask them! They do not talk of the positives either way. They are scared. Thanks for that Jim. You’ve played your part well, you absolute disgrace of a Labour MP. On Thursday, I hope all our parents take some time to look at what their sons are daughters are doing, discuss what we want for our future and our own children’s future and summon up that inner strength they had when we were growing up, conquer their fears and vote for a better Scotland where we actually have a say.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 22:10:06 +0000

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