Judgement: If A is not treating B in loving ways and you are there - TopicsExpress


Judgement: If A is not treating B in loving ways and you are there as an observer, it is Your challenge to remain neutral about the scenario and not be judgemental towards A, for if we do, we become the exact thing we judge about. We will be judging, which is not treating in a loving way, to A who did the same. Judgement doesnot necessarily have to be spoken out, any energy of Judgement/ or any unlovingness you create goes right into your energy field/ EMF attracting similar situations again and again unless youre able to change your patterns. And this phenomenon is true for any enegry you create, from your thoughts and your feelings. This is how you chane your reality, your experiences by your thoughts. This is how powerful you all are. My consciousness always creates high vibrational energies and I release any lower energies that comes up by going through the situation rather than avoiding it, then I track it back to the thought I used to think about it, and replace them with the thoughts that I feel good. For eg in the above scenario of judgement, when I feel it towards A I say to myself, every people expresses exactly how they are capable to. They are what they are, and I choose to be neutral about it from now on, rather than Judgemental on others behaviour, be it towards me or someone else. All that matters is how I feel. Its every individuals responsibility to decide this for themselves, and only themselves. This is the Mastery of Self. One day everyhuman will be walking with only love within them. The more people attain a certain level of consciousness the more it affects the collective consciousness, amd the external reality that we see on our Tv or something. There will be peace in the world when each of us take full responcibility for our inner state if being. Every consciousness we create becomes part of the collective. You dont know how to change the world, make it a better place? Start from yourself. Are you a better place to live? Love, Subas.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 14:40:39 +0000

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