Jul 16 I just got to pass this on, its been a week since Tyler - TopicsExpress


Jul 16 I just got to pass this on, its been a week since Tyler had his 800 units of Botox injections and today the rep came into see him and work with him and his new Bioness Stimutalion equipment. I watched TK walk through the halls as it was calibrated on him and his walking was just unbelievable. Him and I talked tonite before he went to sleep and we are both convinced his walking will return close to what he wants. He wants to run again so bad. Its still a lot of work ahead for him but days like today just send stimulation and happiness through us. I wish all of you could have witnessed it. Also today they worked on his Bioness hand and arm equipment. The rep was so thorough with Tyler and he knows what he is going to have to do to gain use of his hand again. It was so special watching him pick up a wad of paper today over and over. Its the first time he has been able to do that and I watched the look on his face of satisfaction. It was just a good day of positive progress mentally and physically for TK. My son is a Warrior, he competed in sports this way and in the weight room and his mental and physical preparation all his life in athletics and conditioning is a strong reason for his being here today. Our God knew he was something special and had a plan for him. As I watched walking the hallway this morning tears and goosebumps ran all over me because he wasnt suppose to be here in Dec of 2012. I said my goodbyes to my son that night and held him in my arms and the memory is so vividly clear and three nights later Tyler refused to pass on and on that special night when I believe God told me No!!, Tyler wants to live. Calling Cheree at ENLOE Hospital at 3:15am and telling her to connect my son back up and telling her He wants to Live and the doctor the next morning the same thing. I stood alone with my feelings but I really wasnt alone, Tyler was about to become one of Gods Miracles and I alone was part of Gods plan and with that I will always be eternally grateful to God and will treasure and love him as long as I live. Today I and Tylers mom witnessed Gods Miracle walking that hallway as TK had that great big smile on his face. ONLY GOD. Now on another situation that is just tearing me apart and I am pleading to all of you who may read this. You have heard me talk about Amanda, the young woman who just turned 21 who has had CF since she was born and desperately needed a double lung transplant and after two trial runs to Stanford Univ. only to find they were not a good match six months ago last Sat. they found a match and they successfully did the transplant and after normal complications she finally came home but last Sat. night they were planning a party at DUKES BAR & GRILL in Portland to celebrate 6 months she became sick and she was taking to the ER where now she is back in the hospital with pneumonia in both her lower lungs and I am asking you all please to Pray for Amanda. She is the cutest, sweetest young woman and you would all fall in love with her. She needs our prayers, there is Power in Prayer and your prayers helped TK become where he is at today. If you look at the photos on this site you can see her and Tyler sitting on the hospital bed, or better yet go to her Facebook site Prayers for Amanda Sue She is a fighter like TK but she needs us more than ever God Bless Roger
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 07:10:53 +0000

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