July 30 Job 42:12-13 New King James Version 12 Now the Lord - TopicsExpress


July 30 Job 42:12-13 New King James Version 12 Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning; for he had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, one thousand yoke of oxen, and one thousand female donkeys. 13 He also had seven sons and three daughters. (NKJV) Some people find the end of this story a bit unsatisfying. They’re happy that Job came out so well, but wonder why didn’t God answer the questions Job raised. I suggest it is because, in the presence of the Lord, Job found every answer he needed. Looking back over Job’s incredible journey, I see six lessons for us . . . First, trials and difficulties prepare us for eternity. God wants to develop our faith. That means we won’t often see with our eyes what He’s doing. Second, Satan is silenced by submission to God’s sovereignty. I’m convinced that when we get to Heaven, we’re going to discover that a great deal of the difficulty we experienced on earth was simply God proving to the enemy that we’re not mercenaries, that we’re not hirelings, that He hasn’t bought us off with blessings and ease. When we go through difficulties and misunderstandings, hurts, pains and problems financially, mentally or emotionally; when we persevere, and like Job, do not curse God or rebel against Him - even though we might have questions for Him, if our attitude is one of worship - Satan is silenced. And when we see the Lord, He’ll embrace us and say, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You silenced Satan - and you didn’t even know it. Satan was accusing you day and night saying, ‘If that marriage isn’t healed, she’ll curse You; if that job doesn’t open, he’ll deny You; if that answer doesn’t come, he’ll backslide from You.’ But you didn’t. I allowed Satan to touch you within certain parameters to prove that you are not a mercenary, that you really do love Me.” Third, suffering produces clearer vision of ourselves and of God. In suffering, Job finally saw he was a vile man. So too, when we go through trials and don’t react properly, when we hear ourselves saying foolish things, we realize that we’re less mature than we thought and say, “Lord, I need You. I’m vile. I need Your blood.” If you’ve gone through deep waters, your understanding and vision of God will increase exponentially. You’ll see the Lord in a new dimension. What does this do? It makes us no longer fear suffering the way we once did. Jesus becomes so real and precious that we begin to reach the point where we say, “Trials and testing are worth it because they allow me to see myself in my vileness and the Lord in His holiness.” Fourth, suffering produces compassion. It was when Job saw he was vile himself that he embraced his friends. When do we have compassion for others who are hurting and troubled? After we’ve been through our own difficulties and trials. That is why Paul would write, “Blessed be the Father who comforts us that we may be able to comfort others with the comfort we ourselves have received” (see 2 Corinthians 1:3-4). Fifth, suffering teaches us humility. It was when Job was humble that he saw the Lord. Humiliation always brings revelation, for it’s when we’re going through hard times that we get fresh insight into the Lord and receive revelation of the Lord. Finally, suffering has a happy ending. Even if you are never healed, you will be in Heaven. Even if you’re poor on this earth, you’ll live in a mansion in eternity. Peter talks about the trial of faith and about the angels who desire to look into these things (1 Peter 1:12). This means that what we go through is not just about us. It’s about eternity. It was for the joy that awaited Him that Jesus endured the Cross (Hebrews 12:2). Even on earth, at the end of the story, Job was given twice as much as he had before. That’s always the way of the Lord, as He takes us from glory to greater glory (2 Corinthians 3:18), from sorrow to unspeakable joy (John 16:20). This Daily Devotional is an excerpt from the book A Day of Feasting by Pastor Jon.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 00:28:30 +0000

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