Jun 3 at 7:57 AM Way long,...WAY - TopicsExpress


Jun 3 at 7:57 AM Way long,...WAY important!...share... Congress of the United States, and the Supreme Court of the United States, are unquestionably complicit in the violation of the Constitution by the president! The president has just circumvented the Congress, again, by using the Presidential Executive Order to make law - he absolutely may not do that! He has ordered the utilities that use coal for fuel, to reduce their emissions by 30% over the next few years. The effect of this act will be deleterious, and will affect tens of millions of people. Obama promised us that he would bankrupt the Coal Industry, and that our energy costs would necessarily skyrocket, and he is making good on that promise. The technology to accomplish such a drastic reduction in emissions does not exist today, and the president knows that! Coal fueled utilities for the production of electricity supply millions of Americans with their electricity. If those utilities fail to comply, they will eventually be forced to shut down, with two major problems resulting: first of all, it will hurt the coal producing states, and the coal miners who will be out of work; next, it will cause the cost of electricity to skyrocket, just as Obama promised it would! All of this is patently, unarguably, incontestably, irrefutably, and undoubtedly, unconstitutional! The president told those industries that they had to do this, they have no choice; what does that mean? Simply put, it means that the president has made a law that carries penalties for failing to comply with it - he cannot do that! Only the Congress of the United States may constitutionally make law, the president does not have that authority, he cannot force those utilities to comply, only the Congress has that constitutional authority! Consider this, would the Founders have stated, as they have, that only the Congress may make laws, if they also intended that the president could also do that, or the Supreme Court? Obviously, they did not intend for anyone other than the Congress to make law, why? Because the Congress, at least in theory, is The People, and at least President Lincoln understood that when he famously said: ...and this Government of the People, BY THE PEOPLE, and for The People, shall not perish from the earth. A Government by the president, or by the Supreme Court, is not a Government by The People, it really is that simple! The Congress, in allowing the president to usurp their unique Constitutional Authority to make law, without challenge, has unconstitutionally abdicated that authority, unconstitutionally transferring it by tacit approval, to the Oval Office - they cannot do that! The Supreme Court has similarly abdicated its own Constitutional Authority, to act as a coequal branch of this Government, to check and balance the activities of the other branches! When the Constitution is violated, the highest law of the land has been violated, and those who violate the law, are by definition, criminals! Our Government, inclusive of all three branches, is closer to a criminal conspiracy, than it is to a Federal Government! We are not being governed any longer, we are now being ruled! Our Government is no longer a Republic, but now an Oligarchy! It is time to study Mr. Jefferson, he foresaw all of this, and he also gave us the solutions! Beats there a heart in this great land that wants to see tens of thousands of miners and spinoff businesses go broke and unemployed, our already weakened economy get worse, electric bills skyrocket - and have to be bailed out by the broken government already 17.5T dollars in debt and getting worse daily. This law will effect democrats, republicans, independents, blacks, whites, orientals etc in every walk of life. Another giant step towards Communism and will our sniveling congress and we the people let him get away with his pen with the express rational to further drive this country to third world status? Wake up people. This must be the last straw.!! An elective despotism was not the government we fought for, - Thomas Jefferson
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 07:57:15 +0000

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