Just a Weekend Thought: The Seat of Negative Stimuli Im just - TopicsExpress


Just a Weekend Thought: The Seat of Negative Stimuli Im just sitting here and I want to say... That the world is on a negative decline. Im not tired of hearing stories about family members not getting alone or longtime friends who are now bitter enemies. I personally believe that everybody can work things out. But I gotta tell you that God is the solution. Lets all remember that DRAMA feeds DRAMA and words are 10 times worse to the one who extends the bad tidings to others via about others, whether its face to face, by email or an inbox. And no I am not typing this thought because something just happened to me of recent. It hasnt or should I say; I havent heard about it. Like some of you on this social site Im an observer. So are the FB team and the owner of this social site. We are being monitored and recorded by way of key-typed data. Thats for sure. When it comes to Negative Stimuli, I chose a very long time ago to say what I need to say to that someone with love, in honesty, name the place, face to face and then extend both hands to help them out if they need it. But I will distance myself be it a family member or friend(s) if I know that they are spreading the virus of negative talk, be it jealousy, rivalry or just because it can be used by them as a social attention hook line. In that case, its wrong. We are familiar with the word Stimuli. Just in case we have forgotten the definition of that word here it is! (see below) Stimuli 1. Something that incites to action or exertion or quickens action, feeling, thought, etc.: The approval of others is a potent stimulus. Notice that last meaning or definition The Approval of Others IS a Potent Stimulus. How potent is it? Well number one, deny it or not; We are emotionally creatures who are emotional driven whether we be good or bad and in our heart of hearts we want the approval of our peer groups or others. Like it or not, saint or aint, we rotate on a syntax of turns, revolutions or movement. No matter how direct or happy we may be,.. at the end of the day we need a cheerleader. We are driven! We are also vehicles of glory with a story. Theres nothing wrong with that. But with that drive comes responsibility. For we are human vehicles, and the road we travel is the road of life. We all have made a few detours off of lifes highway and in many cases; we have pulled over to a few towns that we didnt plan on stopping by; and with that turn we have a few fender benders, and series of flat moments along the way. We all have made some bad decisions and did a few things wrong. But by Gods grace, we are now heading back on that road again. We also have a back seat driver that continues to harass us on this road... Negative Stimuli can be liken to a back seat driver who is critical about everything including the road of your life. Everything and everybody is a curse. He taunts us, bewilders every thought in your well being and now you are doing 30 miles per hour when the speed limit clearly reads 70 miles per hour. Now this can cause a serious accident. More than that, it could cause a serious fatality! What do you do? Negative Stimuli has ownership of your seat which is the mind and the emotions. I can deal with a 5 month old newborn who is exercising his or her lungs as I travel, but negative voices from the back seat must be taken away. I just left McDonalds... Why am I going back there for another thick shake? The best way to put him and his hanging sign out on the road of life is to put him out! Its that simple. He must be dethroned and become a hitch-hiker. Why? Because negative stimuli is what we see on the five and six oclock news. A man was brought into custody today for fighting his neighbor... A valley woman was arrested on assault and battery. Why do we continue to give our seat of power to this form of stimuli? Maybe because we have forgotten that NS has a biological base and that base is found in you and me. Lets go the dictionary again. Please note the following>> Synonyms and most importantly the>> Antonyms: STIMULI: Physiology, Medicine/Medical. something that excites an organism or part to functional activity. Synonyms 1. incitement, enticement, motive, provocation. 2. stimulant. Antonyms 1. discouragement. Enough stated. Lets fill the seat and the tank with... Positive Stimuli. It creates a whole new you. We become driven with a purpose and not only that, happy positive stimuli produces the endorphins that are in our bodies. We give positive thoughtful solutions in whatever area that we find ourselves in. Our bodily posture, our bodily movements and even our shoulders will roll into action as if we are reborn again. Like a man with a new haircut and like a woman with a new hair style. The Pep-Step now has a purpose. The Creator of life has extended within us a new revolution on life. Without negative reminders or limitless boundaries, we can now accomplish our long awaited goals. When we remove negative stimuli from the seat of authority and replace it with positive stimuli; we become what we should be regardless of the excess baggage that we may have packed for this trip that we really did not need. My advice to myself and to my friends is to stay away from those who carry this sign or virus that is destroying you, your homes, friendships and your future. If you are in a road block in your life or if you made a wrong turn and are heading down a cliff with no guard rails then please know who you can go to for help. God can help you. But he has also given you some silent-bred-friendships in whom He has sent to tow you out and you dont need negative stimuli which also equals: back-biting, jealousy, no hit quitter folk who are not free to drive until further notice. But in any case, work that thing out with such a one and let them know that we gotta move on. Bad mouthing a family member, a friend or creating a new enemy is like a drive by shooting. Its sudden, its a cowardice tactic and most of all... its hurtful. Have a peaceful weekend, blow your horn below or sound off below with positive comments or your personal testimony and most of all... Enjoy the road called LIFE and pay attention to the signs. ;) The SIGN of a beautiful person is that they always SEE the beauty in others. ~Anon
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 15:50:16 +0000

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