Just a remainder about Angell Woods, here is a letter from Diana - TopicsExpress


Just a remainder about Angell Woods, here is a letter from Diana Shahmoon, Published on Sept. 18, 2013 President, Seda Holdings Ltee A letter from an Angell Woods landowner to the people of Beaconsfield --- | News | September 18, 2013 For 25 years I lived in a town that included within its borders a beautiful piece of greenspace. We hiked, walked our dogs, and skated on the pond. I fully understand that the residents of Beaconsfield want to preserve the woods. The city’s current proposal allows, if only in principle, for some development, and that has inspired anger among some. It should not. Much of Angell Woods rests in private hands. Taking possession of the woods entails taking possession of them legally. I would venture to say that not one among you would even consider walking into someone’s home and taking something. And yet, we repeatedly hear, from citizens and leaders alike, a sense of entitlement to these lands. It is no wonder. The city has completely refused to protect our private property from trespassers as they would protect yours. They have systematically fostered the sense that the woods are already public. Stephen Lloyd, of APAW, with whom the leadership appears to have close ties, has helpfully suggested that the owners should make “a graceful exit.” As many in Beaconsfield are contemplating their anger, let me give you a differentperspective. My father purchased the property in 1955. He made me the owner in 1972. In all that time, we have been paying taxes on it at a rate reserved for developable land, primarily residential. And yet the city has never provided the services that would permit us to develop. Moreover, my property has also been blocked from road access, which is illegal. In 1992, I was informed that the city, along with the Montreal Urban Community and the Provincial Highway Department, was planning to develop the Angell wood sector, beginning in the westernmost portion, entering my land through a service road off of Autoroute 40. I was requested to provide a site plan. Then the city reversed itself. And the site plan, for which I was billed just under $15,000 by an urbanist, was never even deposited with the city. In 2009, after seventeen more years of paying taxes on supposedly developable property, I was contacted by Bob Benedetti, your previous mayor. He offered to acquire my land in exchange for a tax write off. Even if that would have been sufficient compensation, as a U.S. citizen, it offered me no benefit. Most recently, the city council adopted an Interim Control that would freeze any action on my land until the city developed a detailed plan for Angell Woods. We were invited to participate in an “advisory committee” to help develop that plan, but only one representative of our land could participate, no legal team or urban advisors would be allowed accompany that person. Also no minutes would be taken nor any recording allowed. These were official meetings funded by tax-payer dollars, but there is no public record of them. During this process, the city paid $60,000 for a set of proposed solutions, created by urbanists at Aecom, but the owners were not permitted to see those proposals, and even our request for them under the access to information statute was denied. These scenarios have been released to the public only now, after the city drafted their Angell Woods proposal. Where was the public debate? Why this kind of secrecy? Is this democracy? We learned many things from those meetings, however. We learned that our properties had been extensively marked off with public trails, that people were not only being freely allowed to trespass on them, they were actually being invited to gather there. We gradually learned that the administration would not be a good faith broker because it was supporting those who would rob us of our rights. When there was an opening on the Council, Mayor Pollock backed the candidate that had sat on the board of APAW. He refused our explicit request that he help us contain the trespassers. Fencing the property was illegal, until recently. We put up “no trespassing” signs, and they were taken down. We paid for our own security guards, and as soon as they left, the trespassers–the innocent dog walkers and hikers– returned. For its part, Montreal from time to time appears to be trying to help resolve the situation, but then fails to do so. We received an email from planners in Montreal in May, followed by a phone call. However, no offer was ever made. The offer that was made to another landowner was too low even to be considered. The only relief we have gotten has been from outside sources. In December, 2011, the CMM designated Beaconsfield as a transportation hub. And the Quebec Administrative Tribunal suspended our tax obligation from 2007-2013. The claim has been made that the owners had input into the drafting of the current Angell Woods proposal. This is completely untrue. We repeatedly asked the council to dialogue with us, reassuring them that nothing that would be said could be used by either side in the pending litigation. When they finally agreed to meet, they were allowed to do so only on condition that they would not speak at all, and Mayor Pollock sat in on the meeting to make sure that this was done. The best I could do in that awkward situation was to repeat my request for real dialogue. Nevertheless, the city’s current proposal is the first time its leaders have even attempted to educate their people that the only way for Beaconsfield to afford ownership of that land is to allow some of it to be developed. Landowners need to be compensated for relinquishing their land. This is the ethical course. Up till now, every effort we have made to the mayor and council to work towards a solution has been rebuffed. Today I am addressing the citizens. The interim control bylaw cannot legally continue indefinitely. One way or another, a resolution will have to be achieved. The safeguarding of the woods need to uphold many values — the aesthetic, the environmental, the spiritual, and also the ethical. Diana Shahmoon, President, Seda Holdings Ltee
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 14:51:04 +0000

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