KAKAMPI MO ANG BATAS.SYNDICATED, ENGLISH. 02 JANUARY 2015  Spiritual transformation to turn around RP  LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “…`Come now, let us settle the matter,’ says the Lord. `Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool’...” (Isaiah 1:18, the Holy Bible).                                                             -ooo-             WHAT HAS 2015 IN STORE FOR RP? It would seem that, calamities from rains, floods, and strong winds, as well as from earthquakes and from the criminal behavior of hungry and simply wayward and greedy Filipinos, whether Philippine born or of foreign descent, would once again be the rule in 2015 for our people, on a greater scale yet. Much like in 2014, there is no stopping these rains, floods, strong winds, earthquakes, and the criminal behavior of many in the next 365 days or so, turning not only Metro Manila but even the entire country into one big gateway to hell, as one famous foreign writer wrote several years ago, to the dismay of the Aquino government.             But no matter how hard the government and its allies in politics and in media may want to paint a rosier picture of how things stand today with their regular trumpeting of the country’s supposed economic progress, barely 18 months before its term ends on June 30, 2016, the undeniable reality for many is that there is no hope for anyone right now, leaving much of our countrymen to fend off for themselves all by their lonesome.                                                             -ooo-             DOUBLE STANDARD UNDER AQUINO GOV’T: Supporters of President Aquino would be quick to say that criticisms against him and his government are baseless. They would also insist that major changes have began to take root, making it possible for three politically-powerful sitting senators to be jailed for corruption, over some P10 billion pork barrel funds allegedly diverted to non-existent private organizations.             But these supposedly powerful lawmakers are political opponents of Aquino and of his Liberal Party. Since they are political opponents who pose a credible threat against Aquino’s candidate for president in 2016, it was easy using all the resources of government, and cajoling willing allies of the powers-that-be, to jail them.             Significantly, however, while the Supreme Court already directed the filing of charges against Aquino’s allies who partook of the same pork barrel funds and even of Aquino’s disbursement acceleration program funds---on the ground that these funds were illegally given to lawmen---no such allies have been sued, much less investigated.                                                             -ooo-             SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION TO TURN AROUND RP: And, when we look at the political landscape now and in the next 18 months, there is clearly no hope that really beneficial changes could secure for our people a truly prosperous economy. Then, the possibility that the 2016 elections would be electronically rigged once again is just simply overwhelming, and so I can only sympathize with those who are asking that a transition government must instead be put in place in the meantime.             But even this transition government, in that it would be led by people whose motivations are unclear and so are also highly suspect, does not hold any real promise of good coming over to the country and our people, once it is installed. So what then can concerned Filipinos do?             I suggest that truly patriotic Filipinos---or those who are dreaming of a real transformation for our country as a whole, not only for themselves or their families---can start by grouping themselves into Bible studies and prayer sessions, and entice more of countrymen to join them, from whatever economic or political class and status they may come. What we need, first and foremost, is a spiritual transformation among our people.                                                             -ooo- REACTIONS? Please call me at 0917 984 24 68, 0918 574 0193, 0922 833 43 96. Email: batasmauricio@yahoo, melaniolazomauriciojr@outlook, mmauriciojr111@gmail.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 21:20:43 +0000

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